Thursday, September 19, 2024
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Japan continues to swelter amid soaring temperatures

TOKYO (XINHUA) – Temperatures across Japan soared past 35 degrees Celsius (°C) yesterday, and authorities have issued strict heatstroke warnings, urging residents to take precautions.

Clear skies from Kyushu to Tohoku contributed to rapid temperature increases, with some regions expected to see highs exceeding normal body temperature during the day.

The highest recorded temperature reaching 36.6°C in the southwestern Japanese prefecture of Wakayama. Cities such as Kumamoto and Nagoya also experienced extreme heat, with temperatures reaching 36.4°C, local weather forecasts showed.

With temperatures forecast to peak as high as 38 °C in Nagoya, Tokyo is expected to experience 35°C.

A broad swath of Japan, from Okinawa to the Kanto-Koshin region, remained under a heatstroke alert yesterday.

Residents were advised to avoid outdoor activities in non-air-conditioned environments, stay hydrated and wear light clothing.

People at the Wakasu Seaside Park in Tokyo, Japan. PHOTO: AFP & XINHUA
People use umbrellas to shelter themselves from the sun in Tokyo. PHOTO: AFP & XINHUA


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