Sunday, September 15, 2024
31 C
Brunei Town


Teachers, students complete Girl Guide programme

Some 16 primary school teachers and 59 Girl Guides from secondary schools, along with Ranger Girl Guides from sixth form centres, successfully completed the Perkampungan Kepanduan programme.

The two-day programme, an informal group-based learning approach to develop participants’ knowledge and skills, aligned with the Girl Guides, Ranger Girl Guides and Tunas Girl Guides programmes.

Director of Youth and Sports at the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports Hajah Umi Kalthum binti Haji Abdul Karim, attended the closing ceremony at the Lifelong Learning Centre’s multipurpose hall and presented certificates to the participants.

The camp, themed ‘Unlock The Adventure of Girls’, was divided into two categories – Girl Guides and Rangers joined by students from government and private secondary schools, colleges and sixth form centres.

Meanwhile, teachers from government and private primary schools participated in a separate category for schools that have not yet formed Tunas Girl Guides teams.

The programme was jointly organised by the Uniformed and Services Division of the Department of Co-Curriculum Education, Ministry of Education, and the Girl Guides Association of Brunei Darussalam (PPPBD).

The programme also aimed to instil a sense of enthusiasm among the participants within the Tunas Girl Guides framework while fostering an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of Tunas Girl Guides, improving their communication and critical thinking skills, and encouraging collaboration among the Girl Guides. – James Kon

Director of Youth and Sports at the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports Hajah Umi Kalthum binti Haji Abdul Karim in a group photo with the participants. PHOTO: JAMES KON
ABOVE & BELOW: Hajah Umi Kalthum presents certificates to the recipients. PHOTO: JAMES KON


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