Friday, September 20, 2024
33 C
Brunei Town


Teachers honoured as pillars of knowledge and guidance

Muslims are encouraged to seek knowledge as a means to achieve success in both this world and the hereafter, as highlighted by Imams during the Friday sermon.

Imams compared teachers to a light that dispels darkness, guiding others towards understanding and enlightenment through the knowledge they impart. The role of teachers in Islam holds a place of high regard and honour, corresponding to the depth and breadth of the knowledge they possess.

FILES – A teacher with her students. PHOTO: WARDI WASIL

“Not everyone is capable of taking on the responsibility of teaching,” Imams emphasized, noting that teaching encompasses the comprehensive development of an individual’s character and intellect.

The sermon also drew attention to Brunei Darussalam’s recognition of teachers’ contributions on September 23, marked annually as Teacher’s Day. This year’s theme, Quality Teachers – Drivers of Educational Transformation, underscores the pivotal role teachers play in shaping the future.

In light of their invaluable service to the community, nation, and country, Imams urged that teachers be respected, appreciated, and loved.

“As parents and members of society, we too share the responsibility of working hand-in-hand with teachers to help our children grow into outstanding and capable individuals,” they added. – AZLAN OTHMAN


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