Thursday, September 19, 2024
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Brunei Town


Japan’s revised immigration law sparks deportation worries

ANN/THE STAR – Japan’s revised immigration control and refugee recognition law, set to take full effect today, has raised alarms among those facing potential deportation under the new regulations.

Marking a major change in the rules on detention and repatriation of foreigners without resident status, the revised law allows the government to deport individuals who have applied for refugee status three times or more even while their applications are being processed, unless they have a valid reason.

“There will be no guarantee of life if I return,” said Myo Kyaw Kyaw, 38, a member of Myanmar’s persecuted Rohingya minority who is seeking refugee status in Japan after fleeing the Southeast Asian country. “It’s a law that doesn’t protect lives.”

He joined the democratisation movement in Myanmar after becoming aware of problems with the country’s military regime when he was a high school student… He said he literally risked his life on the movement. His family also faced danger.


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