SECA School in Kampong Kapok organised a diabetes awareness walk for its students, parents, teachers and staff as well as residents in the area.
The event on Sunday was held to promote a healthy lifestyle to keep diabetes at bay.
SECA School advisor Dr Joel Moncherry said diabetes is the third highest cause of death among non-communicable diseases in Brunei and urged attendees to adopt a healthy lifestyle.
Around 250 people, including Dr Moncherry, principal Angela Lim Soon Mei and Kampong Kapok Village Head Shahminan bin Haji Abdul Rahman as well as representatives from Serasa Primary School, TG School, Meragang Sixth Form Centre, participated in the awareness walk.
The walk began with a doa recitation and a Zumba session. The participants then walked from the school to Muara area and back. – Fadley Faisal