Curtin University Malaysia (Curtin Malaysia) was recently among the signatories of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Natural Resources and Environmental Board (NREB) concerning the NREB’s ‘Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Fire Prevention and Suppression for Private Landowners in Kuala Baram’.
Attending the signing ceremony at a leading hotel on March 1 were Curtin Malaysia’s Dean of Learning and Teaching Professor Tang Fu Ee, who signed the MoU on behalf Curtin Malaysia; Head of Civil and Construction Engineering Department Associate Professor Wong Kwong Soon, Head of Campus Security Anuar Edrews, Assistant Campus Security Officer (Administration) Radzlan Rasit, Dean of External Engagement Associate Professor Ir Lim Chye Ing, Senior Lecturer Dr Tay Ai Chen, and Safety Coordinator Petrus Kalom Anak Isut.
Curtin Malaysia was one of three private landowners in the Kuala Baram area agreeing, under the MoU, to help prevent peat fires in the Kuala Baram area.
Meanwhile, Professor Tang remarked that Curtin Malaysia is fully committed to collaborating with other stakeholders in averting peat fires, being located in a peat fire prone area and having experienced the dangers and ill-effects of such fires in the past.