Tuesday, September 17, 2024
28 C
Brunei Town


Take a spin: Growing phenomenon with a resilient spirit

Beyblade, the spinning top game that has captivated fans worldwide, has found a devoted following in the country. DBos Beys team founder Haji Rosaimi bin Haji Lamit shared insights into the local beyblade community as well as its growth and challenges.

Haji Rosaimi’s interest in beyblade was sparked when he observed children and family members playing the game. The game grew in popularity, particularly around 2010, with a significant surge in 2016.

However, the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 temporarily halted the community’s momentum as events were cancelled or postponed, leading to a sharp decline in participation. Despite the setback, the DBos Beys team adapted by organising online tournaments via Zoom, which helped sustain interest in the game.

Today, the beyblade community is thriving once again.

Tournaments are held three to four times a month, with enthusiastic participation from both new and returning players.

The community has also expanded its outreach efforts by hosting events at Bandarku Ceria, school holidays and national celebrations like National Day and the birthday of His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam, further embedding beyblade into the fabric of local youth culture.

While the local beyblade community is vibrant, it is not without its challenges.

Access to the latest beyblade products is limited, with only a few stores offering a modest selection. However, the rise of online shopping has provided an alternative, allowing enthusiasts to import the latest gear.

Despite these challenges, Haji Rosaimi remains optimistic about the future of beyblade in Brunei. He envisions the game gaining recognition as a national sport, with support from various stakeholders to attract both local and international participants.

Plans are also underway to increase the visibility of beyblade by organising demonstrations and competitions in popular public spaces, particularly shopping malls frequented by children.

Haji Rosaimi recalled a particularly memorable experience when he introduced beyblade at a National Jamboree, where His Majesty tried his hand at the game. Such moments highlight the game’s ability to bring people of all ages and backgrounds together, fostering a sense of community and shared enjoyment.

For those new to beyblade, Haji Rosaimi advised exploring the game through social media and reaching out to the DBos Beys team for guidance. The team is eager to introduce newcomers to the game and help them get started.

As beyblade continues to evolve, both globally and in Brunei, Haji Rosaimi believes it offers more than just entertainment. It serves as a tool for reducing screen time, promoting social interaction and providing a healthy, competitive outlet for the youth. With continued effort and enthusiasm, the future of beyblade in Brunei looks bright, promising even greater opportunities for fans and players alike. – Fadley Faisal

ABOVE & BELOW: Haji Rosaimi bin Haji Lamit during an interview; and photos show competitors during Beyblade matches. PHOTO: DBOS BEYS
ABOVE & BELOW: Participants at a beyblade tournament in a group photo; and children learn how to play during a roadshow. PHOTO: DBOS BEYS


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