Lyna Mohamad
The Religious Teachers University College of Seri Begawan’s (KUPU SB) Usuluddin Faculty and Jawi and Kitab Turath Research and Studies Centre is holding a Dakwah Tadabbur Al-Quran, Al-Hadith and Kitab Turath Programme at selected mosques starting March 2, in collaboration with the Mosque Affairs Department at the Ministry of Religious Affairs (MoRA).
Conducted in conjunction with the country’s 38th National Day celebration, the programme targets residents, youth, converts, Muslim and Muslimah groups and mosque congregants that serves to imrpove the understanding of Islamic religious practices through Tadabbur Al-Quran, Al-Hadith and Turath Book learning.
The programme will run after Maghrib prayers until Isyak prayers for male congregants, while female lectures will be held on Saturday.
Dakwah activities are the first practice commanded by Allah the Almighty to Angel Jibril by making calls to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who passed them on to his loyal companions including as-sabiqunal Awwalun.
The Dakwah practice was continued by the companions following his passing and carried on by scholars as the heirs of the prophet.
Recalling His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam’s titah in conjunction with the Israk Mikraj celebration in 2017, the monarch underscored that aside from education, empowering Dakwah is vital in efforts to preserve Aqidah as Dakwah plays a huge role in raising awareness on the religious or Aqidah.
Meanwhile, in His Majesty’s titah at the KUPU SB’s 3rd convocation ceremony in November 2013, the monarch said that he is in the opinion that Jawi writing and Turath Book learning need to be maintained and importantly be empowered as Jawi is the nation’s identity while Kitab Turath learning is a valuable heritage of Islamic Knowledge.
His Majesty added that the university is the most suitable place to offer academic programmes in the field of Jawi and Turath Book writing as the pillar of excellence of Islam in the Sultanate.