Sunday, September 8, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town


Rolling up sleeves for a good cause

James Kon & Lyna Mohamad

Sixty-eight pints of blood were collected during a blood donation drive hosted by Brunei Fuzhou Shiyyi Association at the D’Sunlit premises in Beribi recently.

The campaign aimed to replenish the blood supply at the Blood Donation Centre of the Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Saleha (RIPAS) Hospital. The association has donated over 1,000 pints of blood through its bi-annual blood donation drives since 2012.

Meanwhile, the Filipino community in the Sultanate also held a blood donation drive last Sunday, drawing 40 donors.

Another blood donation drive will be held in three months’ time, along with a clean-up activity in Belait District.

ABOVE & BELOW: Visitors donating blood at the D’Sunlit premises; and at the donation drive held by the Filipino community. PHOTOS: JAMES KON & LYNA MOHAMAD


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