Saturday, January 25, 2025
27 C
Brunei Town

    Roadworks disrupt morning commutes

    During the current school holidays, daily road users like me are enjoying less congested traffic.

    On Wednesday morning, I took my time getting ready and left the house later than usual, assuming I could still arrive at the office well before 7.45am.

    Living in Kampong Sengkurong, I estimated that my commute to my workplace at the Old Airport Road in Berakas would take only 15-20 minutes due to the school break.

    However, as I approached the Beribi flyover, I was surprised to find traffic at a complete standstill. I assumed it might be a fender bender ahead, as that’s often the case.

    Stuck in the long queue for quite a while, my frustration grew by the minute. When I neared The Walk building in Beribi, I noticed safety cones ahead, redirecting all vehicles into the right lane. “This can’t be an accident,” I thought, and my suspicion was confirmed when I saw a sign reading ‘Road Works Ahead.’

    Why would resurfacing work be scheduled during the peak hours of a workday when so many people are commuting to their offices? While I understand it’s the school holidays, considering the heavy traffic along that route, choosing this time for roadwork seems impractical.

    I acknowledge the urgency of resurfacing that section of the road, but it could have been scheduled for the weekend or during evening hours, as I’ve seen done before.

    I eventually reached the office around 8.15am.

    Unsurprisingly, I wasn’t the only one affected – a couple of my colleagues also arrived late due to the same traffic congestion.



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