Sunday, September 8, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town


Roadshow raises awareness on mental health

A mental health roadshow at the Ministry of Finance and Economy saw the participation of 135 ministry officers and staff.

The roadshow aimed to empower the community on knowledge and action on mental health in the country, especially among civil servants.

The roadshow themed ‘Mental Health in the Workplace: Joint Basic Rights’ saw briefings and interactive exhibitions related to mental health and personal well-being, especially in the workplace. This is in line with the main actions in the Mental Health Action Plan 2022-2025 especially in Strategy 3: Strengthen Mental Health Promotion and Prevention of Mental Disorders.

The Ministry of Health through the Mental Health Strategy of the Health Promotion Centre, Psychiatry Services, Psychological Services, as well as stakeholders including the Counselling Services Division, under the Prime Minister’s Office, Counselling and Religious Understanding Unit (KAFA) under the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Baiduri Bank and Brunei Darussalam Red Crescent Society is organising the Mental Health Roadshow, extended to other ministries in conjunction with World Mental Health Day 2023. – Azlan Othman

The participants in a group photo. PHOTO: AZLAN OTHMAN

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