Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Brunei Town


‘Purr’fect day for Oggy

Daniel Lim

Persian cat Oggy won the judges’ hearts as she was crowned the Best of the Best in the Cat Competition for local and mixed breeds at the Kampong Pandan Community Hall on Saturday.

Wife of the Acting Assistant Belait District Officer Nor’Aziah binti Jalani was welcomed by Women’s Institute of Brunei Darussalam (WI) Belait District Branch Manager Hajah Halimah binti Abdul Latif at the event.

Also present was Acting President of WI Hajah Shamsiah binti Abdul Latif.

Competition chairperson Hajah Julia binti Chee explained how the competition represents an annual occasion for the group in marking the 76th birthday celebration of His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam.

Some 29 participants entered more than 80 cats into the various categories of the competition.

The categories included the breeds, such as Persian, Siamese, Mixed, and Normal Breeds; as well as specific categories such as most healthy, the largest, most beautiful fur, most photogenic, and the coveted Best of the Best.

Proud owners paraded their fur babies at Kampong Pandan Community Hall yesterday during a cat contest that sought to find the most exquisite feline beauty in the Sultanate. Whether long-furred or not, of mix breed or local, one thing was constant – the over 80 featured cats effortlessly won over the hearts of the visitors
ABOVE & BELOW: Guest of honour Nor’Aziah binti Jalani presents awards to Oggy and her owners; and meets cats and their owners during the competition. PHOTOS: DANIEL LIM

Competition chairperson Hajah Julia binti Chee delivers a speech

Each cat was judged by a panel comprising members from the WI Belait District Branch.

Hajah Julia noted that the categories highlighted the cats’ best aspects, while fostering an appreciation for the effort and care made by their owners.

The ceremony continued with the presentation of a medal and token of appreciation to Mohd Yunos bin Haji Pungut, who volunteers his time and effort to care for not only his cats but also stray cats across the district.

The winners for each category were announced, with Oggy being placed first in the Persian category followed by Basyier and Fluffy in second and third.

Meanwhile, Anna, a Siamese cat was placed first in the Siamese Category, followed by Lexi and Joni in second and third.

Mixed breed Wickey was placed first in the mixed category, with Eva and Lola coming in second and third places.

In the normal category, Princess was placed first, followed by Tiger and Batman in second and third.

In the special categories, Siamese cat Joni received the most healthy award, while the categories for the most beautiful cat and most photogenic were both won by Princess.

Winning not only the largest and most beautiful fur categories, but also the Best of the Best, was Oggy.

The prizes for the winning cats were handed to their owners by the guest of honour, who toured the premise following the prize presentation.

The competition, organised by the WI Belait District Branch, was sponsored by Nimanja Brunei.


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