Thursday, March 13, 2025
25 C
Brunei Town

    Plans implemented to enhance mosque officers’ competency

    Minister of Religious Affairs Yang Berhormat Pehin Udana Khatib Dato Paduka Seri Setia Ustaz Haji Awang Badaruddin bin Pengarah Dato Paduka Haji Awang Othman said the Mosque Affairs Department continues to implement various programmes to enhance the competency of mosque officers.

    These include briefings and workshops on financial regulations and induction for new mosque officials before deployment.

    A first aid workshop was conducted at Utama Mohammad Salleh Mosque in Temburong District in collaboration with the Brunei Red Crescent Association in 2022.

    The minister added a fire marshal workshop was held at Jame’ ‘Asr Hassanil Bolkiah and the Fire and Rescue Station Headquarters in 2023 and 2024.

    On the ability to interact effectively with the congregation, the minister highlighted the continuous training on effective presentation skills for mosque officers.

    The department is planning on collaboration programmes with Seri Begawan Religious Teachers University College (KUPU SB) in establishing upskilling programmes and the competency upgrading of the mosque officials.

    In response to plans to tackle the issues on Al-Quran and religious practical performance, the minister said Al-Quran and religious practical lessons are among the components of Islamic education subjects for government and private primary schools involved in the integration of religious subjects into the general education system.

    Minister of Religious Affairs Yang Berhormat Pehin Udana Khatib Dato Paduka Seri Setia Ustaz Haji Awang Badaruddin bin Pengarah Dato Paduka Haji Awang Othman at the 21st Legislative Council session. PHOTO: INFOFOTO

    Several initiatives are being implemented to strengthen Islamic education, including Al-Quran lessons and practical religious teachings. It includes professional training for religious teachers and programmes such as pedagogical enhancement, Iqra book teaching workshop and special education courses.

    Legislative Council (LegCo) member Yang Berhormat Pengiran Haji Isa bin Pengiran Haji Aliuddin queried whether the Ministry of Religious Affairs (MoRA) has a plan to ensure imams and bilals are equipped with financial regulations knowledge; the ability to interact effectively with the congregation and basic first aid skills.

    This was raised at the 21st LegCo session yesterday. The minister also responded on the matter raised by Yang Berhormat Hajah Rosmawaty binti Haji Abdul Momin on the necessary policy to be introduced in ensuring local graduates with religious and Arabic language backgrounds that is yet to be fully utilised to be trained and recognised as mutawif and escort.

    This matter was raised due to the growth of Brunei’s haj and umrah industries hence the LegCo member inquired if there is a policy requiring agents and tourism to use this trained and qualified service.

    On December 10, 2024, a discussion session on haj and umrah courses conveyed the intention of the KUPU SB in becoming the haj and umrah course service provider.

    As a further step, KUPU SB is in the process of providing the appropriate curriculum and setting up a new programme structure called ‘Haj and Umrah Professional Training Certificate Programme’.

    KUPU SB will ensure that the programme is recognised by the Brunei Darussalam National Accreditation Council and will be a value-added qualification apart from getting approval from the Brunei Islamic Religious Council (MUIB) as a certificate.

    The programme is expected to be offered in semester 1, academic session 2025/2026, with the target of students from KUPU SB graduates and the public who meet the requirements.

    He added that the programme is not intended to produce mutawwif or mutawwifah that manages the logistics of the pilgrims such as organising travel, accommodation, managing passport visas or monitoring movement.

    It aims at producing haj and umrah accredited officials who will guide pilgrims in performing their haj and umrah rituals as well as open employment opportunities to university graduates. – Lyna Mohamad


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