Friday, September 20, 2024
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Greece misses injured Tsitsipas in Poland loss at ATP Cup

SYDNEY (AP) – Greece badly missed elbow-injury victim Stefanos Tsitsipas in the singles when it was beaten by Poland on the opening day of the 16-team ATP Cup tournament yesterday.

World number four Tsitsipas was a late withdrawal from his match with ninth-ranked Hubert Hurkacz, who went on to beat replacement Aristotelis Thanos 6-1, 6-2 to give Poland an unassailable 2-0 lead after Kamil Majchrzak had defeated Michail Pervolarakis 6-1, 6-4 earlier.

Tsitsipas watched from the team bench, with ice wrapped around his right elbow, as the 1,076th-ranked Thanos was outclassed by Hurkacz.

Greece then gained some consolation when Tsitsipas combined with Pervolarakis in the doubles to overcome Szymon Walkow and Jan Zielinski 6-4, 5-7, 10-8.

Tsitsipas had an operation in late November, with a flare-up a concern ahead of this month’s Australian Open.

Stefenos Tsitsipas plays a shot in his doubles match with Michail Pervolarakis of Greece against Poland’s Hubert Hurkacz and Jan Zielinski of Poland. PHOTO: AP

Argentina’s Diego Schwartzman and Spain’s Roberto Bautista Agut led their respective teams to comfortable victories earlier yesterday.

Argentina beat Georgia 3-0, while Spain easily accounted for Chile by the same margin at the tournament being played across two Sydney stadiums.

World number 13 Schwartzman defeated Georgia’s Nikoloz Basilashvili 6-1, 6-2, after compatriot Federico Delbonis won by the same score against Aleksandre Metreveli to give Argentina a 2-0 lead from the singles matches.

Maximo Gonzalez and Andres Molteni then gave the Argentines a clean sweep defeating Georgian pair Saba Pertseladze and Zura Tkemaladze 6-1, 6-2 in the doubles tie to give Argentina a 3-0 win.

World number 20 Pablo Carreno Busta gave Spain an early lead as he rallied from being a break down in both sets to defeat Chile’s Alejandro Tabilo 6-4, 7-6 (7-4).

Roberto Bautista Agut appeared in excellent form as he disposed of Chile’s world number 17 Cristian Garin 6-0, 6-3 to seal the tie for Spain.

Alejandro Davidovich Fokina and Pedro Martinez clinched a clean sweep for Spain with a 7-6 (3), 4-6, 10-7 win over Chile’s Tomas Barrios Vera and Tabilo.

Even without Rafael Nadal, who’s preparation for the Australian Open has been disrupted by a positive test for coronavirus, Spain showed why they are among the favoured teams at the tournament.

Macron takes EU reins as election looms

PARIS (AFP) – France takes over the rotating presidency of the European Union (EU) yesterday, affording President Emmanuel Macron the chance to pose as the EU’s de facto leader in the run-up to national elections in April.

The 44-year-old has never made any secret of his ambitions to be the motor for further European integration, serving over the last four years as a dynamic sidekick to the more steady German chancellor Angela Merkel in Europe’s power couple.

With Merkel now retired and the timely gift of the rotating presidency of the EU Council from January 1, Macron has announced an ambitious agenda for the 27-member bloc that could also serve his domestic campaign for re-election.

“The year 2022 must be a turning point for Europe,” he said in a New Year’s Eve national address that hailed the EU’s role during the COVID-19 crisis.

Referring to the French presidency, he vowed that “you can count on my complete commitment to ensure that this period, which comes around every 13 years, is a time of progress for you”.

A Les Genets Ehpad resident and hospital service agents watch French President Emmanuel Macron delivering his New Year wishes. PHOTO: AFP

The centrist, who made his Europhile views a key part of his political campaign when winning the presidency in 2017, is hoping it will again serve him in elections scheduled for April 10 and 24.

“The EU presidency gives him a welcome platform to put his European record to the forefront and differentiate himself from his rivals and bring new proposals, new ideas to the table,” said expert at the Marc-Bloch think-tank in Berlin Claire Demesmay.

Strutting on the international stage has also long been a popular move for any French president.

“The French like nothing more than the image or impression of France being ‘at the controls’,” said former French diplomat at the French mission to the EU Pierre Sellal.

To mark the start of the six-month presidency, France illuminated historic buildings across the country including the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe in the blue of the EU flag on New Year’s Eve.

Other observers have noted that the French logo for the presidency includes the letters U and E for “Union Europeene” with a grey arrow in the middle that appears to create another letter – a sideways M for Macron.

Each European country gets a chance at holding the rotating presidency of the Council, which gives the member state an opportunity to set the official agenda for fellow leaders in the bloc – within limits – and organise meetings of ministers.

But although the first French presidency since 2008 offers opportunities for Macron, it is also seen by observers as holding risks.

His agenda to make Europe “powerful” – in defence, technology or its own border security – risks being overshadowed in the short term by the accelerating COVID-19 health crisis.

Director Sebastien Maillard of the Jacques Delors Institute, a pro-EU think-tank based in Paris, said Macron will also face pressure to deliver after having ramped up expectations.

“He can’t get to the first round (of the presidential election) on April 10 without having obtained some results from the European presidency,” Maillard said. “That’s the challenge for him, but it can also be a real opportunity.”

European leaders are set to meet in Paris on March 10-11, which could be a chance for them to agree on a major reform of the bloc’s budget rules.

Airline trade group seeks delay in 5G communications launch

WASHINGTON (AP) – United States (US) airlines are asking the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to delay next week’s scheduled rollout of new 5G wireless service near dozens of major airports, saying it could interfere with electronics that pilots rely on.

Airlines for America, a trade group for large US passenger and cargo carriers, said in an emergency filing that the FCC has failed to adequately consider the harm that 5G service could do to the industry.

The group wants more time for the FCC and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), which regulates airlines, to resolve issues around aviation safety related to a type of 5G service called C-Band.

AT&T and Verizon Communications previously agreed to a one-month delay in 5G, which provides faster speeds when mobile devices connect to their networks and allows users to connect many devices to the internet without slowing it down.

Late Friday, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and FAA Administrator Stephen Dickson wrote to the CEOs of AT&T and Verizon to propose a delay in activating 5G C-band service near an undetermined number of “priority airports” while the FAA studies the potential for interference with aircraft operations.

Travelers walk through Terminal 1 at O’Hare International Airport in Chicago. PHOTO: AP

Buttigieg and Dickson said forging ahead with next week’s activation “will result in widespread and unacceptable disruption as airplanes divert to other cities or flights are cancelled”, while a delay around certain airports would have minimal short-term impacts.

Verizon spokesman Richard Young said, “We received the letter a short time ago, after 6pm on New Year’s Eve, and we will need some time to review it.”

AT&T spokeswoman Kim Hart Jonson said the company was reviewing the letter.

The airline industry trade group warned of significant damage if the 5G rollout goes ahead near major airports.

“Aircraft will not be able to rely on radio altimeters for numerous flight procedures and thus will not be able to land at certain airports,” the group said in a filing on Thursday. Radio altimeters measure the height of planes above the ground.

A4A, as the group is called, said its 11 member airlines face the need to reroute or cancel “thousands” of flights, resulting in losses topping USD1 billion.

The group said the new service will affect all three major airports in the New York City area – LaGuardia, Kennedy and Newark, New Jersey – as well as O’Hare in Chicago, Logan in Boston, Dallas-Fort Worth, Los Angeles International and San Francisco.

The trade group’s general counsel threatened to go to court next week if the FAA does not respond to the group’s request for a delay.

The FAA said in early December that it will restrict pilots from using automated landing systems at certain airports after the rollout of 5G or fifth-generation wireless service because it could interfere with radio altimeters.

The FAA declined to comment on the airline group’s filing.

Nine found breaching stay-at-home directive

Adib Noor

Nine violations of Operasi Pulih, the movement restriction period from 10pm to 4am, were recorded on Friday.

The violators were issued fines for breaching the stay-at-home directive.

The local violators were: Haji Dino bin Awang Damit, Md Khirul Raduan bin Kamal, Haji Md Redzuan bin Haji Moktar and Md Ali Hassan bin Haji Adris while the foreign offenders were: Geraldo Jr Dela Fuente Tumomba, Mohammad Raton, John Erasmus Marie, Arkar Phyo and Thein Zaw Lwin.

Eight violations were found in Brunei-Muara District and one in Belait District according to the Royal Brunei Police Force.

ABOVE & BELOW: Haji Dino bin Awang Damit; Md Khirul Raduan bin Kamal; and Haji Md Redzuan bin Haji Moktar. PHOTOS: RBPF

ABOVE & BELOW: Md Ali Hassan bin Haji Adris; Geraldo Jr Dela Fuente Tumomba; and Mohammad Raton

ABOVE & BELOW: John Erasmus Marie; Arkar Phyo; and Thein Zaw Lwin

Singapore to ‘start moving’ on planned GST hike

SINGAPORE (CNA) – The Singapore government will have to start moving on the planned hike in Goods and Services Tax (GST) in Budget 2022, given that the economy is emerging from COVID-19, said Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in his New Year message on Friday.

The government must have reliable and adequate revenues to carry out its social programmes, said Lee, adding that additional revenues are needed to fund the expansion of the healthcare system and support schemes for older Singaporeans.

“Those who are better off should contribute a larger share, but everyone needs to shoulder at least a small part of the burden,” he said.

“This is the rationale for raising a broad-based tax like the GST, coupled with a comprehensive scheme of offsets to cushion the impact on lower-income households.

“The GST forms one important component of our system of taxes and transfers that also includes income and wealth taxes. Overall, our system will remain progressive and fair,” he added.

“We have seen this need coming for some years. Now that our economy is emerging from COVID-19, we have to start moving on this. Budget 2022 will therefore lay the basis for sound and sustainable government finances for the next stage of Singapore’s development.”

The plan to raise the GST by two percentage points, from seven per cent to nine per cent, was first announced in 2018 during then-Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat’s Budget speech.

He said the increase would be necessary to strengthen Singapore’s revenues, given recurrent increases in healthcare, security and other social spending.

“The responsible way to pay for them is through taxation so that every generation pays its share. We should not borrow for recurrent spending, because that will put the burden of recurrent spending on future generations,” Heng said in 2018.

“This GST increase is necessary because even after exploring various options to manage our future expenditures through prudent spending, saving and borrowing for infrastructure, there is still a gap,” he added.

“Increasing GST by two percentage points will provide us with revenue of almost 0.7 per cent of GDP per year.”

Heng said then that the hike would take place sometime from 2021 to 2025 – earlier rather than later in the period – with the exact timing to be decided based on factors such as the state of the economy. Given the impact of COVID-19 on the economy, Heng said last year that the increase would not take place in 2021.

He reiterated, however, that the hike would be implemented “sooner rather than later”, between 2022 and 2025.

“Without the GST rate increase, we will not be able to meet our rising recurrent needs, in particular healthcare spending,” Heng said in his 2021 Budget speech.

Heng, who is also Deputy Prime Minister, previously announced that GST on publicly subsidised education and healthcare will continue to be fully absorbed.

Lower- and middle-income households can also get support from the permanent GST Voucher scheme, which will be enhanced when the new GST rate takes effect.

Singapore’s Budget 2022 will be unveiled by Finance Minister Lawrence Wong on February 18.

The GST in Singapore was last raised more than a decade ago, in 2007, to seven per cent from five per cent.

It was first introduced in 1994 at three per cent, then raised to four per cent in 2003 and five per cent in 2004.


Nanyang Technological University’s Assistant Professor Walid Jumblatt Abdullah told CNA that if the GST is to be raised, then this is the “least bad time” in the political cycle for the ruling party to do it.

“There is no good time of course. Especially considering the pandemic and how many people are not doing too great financially,” he said.

Political observer Associate Professor Eugene Tan said that the Prime Minister has indicated that the economy is improving and it is necessary to ‘bite the bullet’.

“The pandemic has also increased the demands on the government coffers and the post-pandemic recovery will also stretch the public purse even more. I think ‘TINA’ (there is no alternative) to a GST hike in the new fiscal year,” said the law professor from Singapore Management University.

He pointed out that 2022 will be the second full year of the current term of government. With a general election due by November 2025 and the presidential election in September or October 2024, the political preference is to have the tax increase “sooner rather than later”.

“An early implementation can enable people to see how the ‘comprehensive scheme of offsets’ make the GST hike manageable, especially for lower-income households,” he said.

“It can also help reduce the political sensitivity of a GST hike when the hustings come round in about two to three years time.”

With inflationary pressures within the economy, the Singapore government will have to put in place a robust system of counter-inflationary measures to ensure that the GST increase does not add to the inflation or, worse, lead to runaway inflation, he added. It will be a delicate balancing act and the “economic nous” of the government will be put to the test, said Associate Professor Tan.

Both political analysts said that this will renew the debate for higher and new wealth taxes, as well as corporate and personal income taxes, and have “Singaporeans and experts delving into the merits and drawbacks of drawing down the past reserves as well as the net investment returns”.

“Such debates are healthy, and should be had, if we are to move forward as a mature, democratic society.”

England hospital staff absences double as virus surges

LONDON (AFP) – Hospital staff absences due to COVID have more than doubled in a month in England as the virus surge puts strain on beds, according to data published on Friday.

The number of hospital staff ill or self-isolating due to the virus rose from 11,375 on November 29, 2021 to 24,362 on December 26, 2021 NHS England said.

The “sharply increasing staff absences” coincide with “a 10-month high for the number of patients”, warned national medical director Stephen Powis.

The number of patients in hospital with COVID in the United Kingdom (UK) reached 11,898 on Wednesday, the highest level since early March, and a rise of 40 per cent in a week.

“We don’t yet know the full scale of rising omicron cases,” Powis acknowledged.

A member of a construction team works on the erection of a temporary field hospital in the grounds of St George’s Hospital in Tooting, south London. PHOTO: AFP

The National Health Service (NHS) “is on a war footing and staff remain braced for the worst”, he added.

The UK is one of Europe’s worst-hit countries with a death toll of 148,421. It reported 189, 846 new cases on Friday, slightly above Thursday’s figure and a new record.

NHS England reported that only 67 per cent of COVID patients were receiving treatment primarily for the virus, however, with others testing positive after being admitted with other conditions.

NHS England has already started building temporary field hospitals to contain a possible overspill of inpatients if beds in main hospitals become full.

It plans to make available as many as 4,000 “super-surge beds”, in some cases using existing hospital facilities such as gyms or education centres.

It is also trying to free up hospital beds by sending medically fit patients to care homes, hospices and even hotels.

Despite the surge in cases, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has opted not to increase virus curbs over the festive period in England, unlike the devolved governments in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Fire destroys home in Belait

Daniel Lim

A house went up in flames in Kampong Telingan, Rampayoh in Belait District on Friday morning.

ASO Mohd Azizie bin Othman led a team of nine firefighters from Labi Fire Station in response to an emergency call made at 10.03am and doused the fire within 15 minutes.

No injuries were reported.


Raducanu caps stunning year with New Year honour

LONDON (AFP) – Emma Raducanu was named in Britain’s New Year Honours list on Friday – alongside a clutch of Olympic stars – in recognition of her stunning breakthrough victory at the United States (US) Open.

Cyclists Jason and Laura Kenny – who have won 12 Olympic gold medals between them – received a knighthood and damehood and there was recognition for Tokyo gold medallists Tom Daley, Adam Peaty and Max Whitlock.

The honours list recognises outstanding achievements in various fields including showbusiness, sport and politics, as well as the contributions of people across society.

A number of medical chiefs leading Britain’s battle against coronavirus have also been given awards in the latest list.

Raducanu, who became the first British woman to win a Grand Slam since Virginia Wade in 1977, has been made a Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE).

Britain’s Emma Raducanu celebrates with the trophy after winning the 2021 US Open Tennis tournament women’s final match against Canada’s Leylah Fernandez at the USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Centre in New York, on September 11, 2021. PHOTO: AFP

“It makes me immensely proud and grateful to be listed to receive an MBE from Her Majesty the Queen,” said the now 19-year-old Raducanu, who did not drop a set at Flushing Meadows on her run to the title.

“This year has been full of amazing surprises for me so to end 2021 with this appointment is very special.”

Jason Kenny has received a knighthood after becoming Britain’s most decorated Olympian of all time at the Tokyo Games, winning his ninth medal – and seventh gold – on the final day.

His wife, Laura Kenny, Britain’s most successful female Olympian, has been given a damehood – the female equivalent of a knighthood.

British Cycling’s performance director, Stephen Park, who himself becomes a CBE (Commander of the Order of the British Empire), praised the Kennys for their achievements.

“Not only are Jason and Laura true masters of their craft, they are also wonderful teammates, role models and ambassadors for our sport,” he said.

Diving star Daley, who won his first Olympic gold at his fourth Games, was awarded the OBE (Officer of the Order of the British Empire) for services to diving, rights and charity.

Gymnast Whitlock and swimmer Peaty, both of whom have won three Olympic gold medals, also received OBEs.

Seven-time Paralympic wheelchair racing champion Hannah Cockroft was made an OBE after winning two golds in Tokyo.

Chelsea Women manager Emma Hayes has been awarded an OBE after helping the Blues retain their Women’s Super League title in 2021 and reach the Champions League final.

New York rings in 2022 in the shadow of COVID

NEW YORK (AFP) – The city that never sleeps rang in the New Year with a scaled-down ceremony in Times Square on Friday night, marking 2022 with its famous ball drop and confetti.

New Year has been celebrated in bombastic style in Times Square, at the intersection of Broadway and 42nd Street in the heart of Manhattan, since the turn of the 20th Century.

The coronavirus meant last year’s festivities were a muted affair, with the pandemic-ravaged city’s decision to forgo the usual celebrations meaning Times Square was left strikingly empty.

But outgoing mayor Bill de Blasio kept his promise to bring back the party in 2021.

A crowd limited to 15,000 people, instead of the usual 60,000, all masked and vaccinated, watched as a crystal ball – measuring 3.5 metres and weighing more than five tonnes – was brought down to ring in 2022.

Spectators kissed and hugged when the bell struck midnight, as more than 1.3 tonnes of confetti carrying New Year’s greetings was thrown from the roofs of buildings bordering Times Square.

Times Square was also host to political theatre on Friday night with the transfer of power just after midnight from de Blasio to Eric Adams, a former policeman elected in November on a platform of fighting crime and socio-economic inequalities in the city.

Adams, holding up a portrait of his deceased mother, took an oath on religious scripture alongside his family – having earlier hailed the indefatigability of the city he is now tasked with running.

A sign reminds people to wear face masks as revellers gather on Times Square in New York. PHOTO: AP

Jail, whipping for young housebreaker

Fadley Faisal

The Intermediate Court on Thursday handed a three years and four months’ jail with two canings to a local man who broke into a room to steal property.

Mohammad Nazmenizam bin Abdullah, 23, pleaded guilty to the housebreaking charge and admitted to the statement of facts revealed in court by prosecutor Syafina Abdul Hadzid.

Judge Pengiran Masni Pengiran Haji Bahar heard that the defendant worked for almost a year at a food stall. The shop was housed in Bangunan Koperasi Tanjong Maya, Tutong District.

The prosecutor said investigations revealed that the defendant while working at the food stall on July 3, noticed his employer leaving along with a chef from another stall in the same premises.

Mohammad Nazmenizam went behind the building and headed for a room which he knew was rented by the chef.

He forced open the door using a fork. He stole a phone and its box, and a charger.

He then went back to work and hid them in the stall’s storeroom cabinet.

The defendant sold the stolen items to an unknown buyer through Facebook.

The victim, on realising that his phone was missing, lodged a police report leading to the defendant’s arrest.

The defendant told investigators that he received BND80 from the sales and bought food and petrol for his car.

Prosceutor Syafina also informed court that the defendant holds conviction records related to housebreaking.