Sunday, October 6, 2024
28 C
Brunei Town

Three companies found flouting Employment Order

Fadley Faisal

The Labour Department’s enforcement division carried out Operasi Sejahtera 07/2022 to uncover Employment Order 2009 violations in Kampong Mulaut on March 15.

Enforcement officials inspected four companies and discovered three had violated the Employment Order by hiring three labourers working not in accordance with their original employment contracts.

One, whose job description was a cook, was found working at a stall selling food while a farmer worked at a vegetable stall selling produce.

Meanwhile, a waiter was found selling nasi katok.

The Labour Department said the violators face a BND600 compound fine for the first offence and BND900 for the second.

The department also reminded the public to employ workers according to their work permits and to ensure their welfare, such as preparing their contracts and salary payments in a timely manner.

The department also denounced the misuse of business licences.

The Labour Department urged the public to seek clarification on issues by contacting 2381848 or 7298989.

Labour Department personnel during the operation.
A business under inspection. PHOTOS: LABOUR DEPARTMENT

Like father, like son

James Kon

The Fire and Rescue Department (FRD) through the ‘G’ Operation branch awarded a father and son with an excellence community award for their swift action in extinguishing a fire at a Muallaf assistance house owned by the Islamic Da’wah Centre (PDI), Ministry of Religious Affairs.

Muhammad bin Sabar Elie @ Sabat Anak Elie and Mohammad Sulaimi bin Abdullah Sabat @ Toni Anak Sabat stopped the fire from spreading to the house.

The award ceremony took place at Toni Anak Sabat’s home in Kampong Sibut on Thursday.

‘G’ Operation Commanding Officer SSFR Haji Afiq bin Haji Julah presented the award. Station Commander of Bangar Fire Station Acting ASFR Jamaludin bin Ahmad and officers from the PDI also attended.

‘G’ Operation Commanding Officer SSFR Haji Afiq bin Haji Julah presents the excellence community award. PHOTO: FRD


COVID pills only for high-risk adult patients, says minister

Izah Azahari

Molnupiravir, the oral anti-viral pill, will only be given to high-risk COVID-19 adult patients, and the plan for its use has already been laid out by the Ministry of Health (MoH) prior to placing the order.

This was shared by Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office and Minister of Finance and Economy II Dato Seri Setia Dr Awang Haji Mohd Amin Liew bin Abdullah during the daily press conference yesterday.

Elaborating further, Deputy Permanent Secretary (Professional) at the MoH Dr Ang Swee Hui added that the treatment is for adults only.

“The selection criteria is for high-risk patients whom we fear will be admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU),” said the deputy permanent secretary, adding that patients who are unvaccinated, have uncontrolled chronic diseases, or are elderly are among the candidates.

“If a patient is fouind to be high-risk, our experts will prescribe this anti-viral pill,” added Dr Ang.

Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office and Minister of Finance and Economy II Dato Seri Setia Dr Awang Haji Mohd Amin Liew bin Abdullah, Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Health (MoH) Haji Maswadi bin Haji Mohsin and Deputy Permanent Secretary (Professional) at the MoH Dr Ang Swee Hui at the press conference. PHOTO: SYAHMI HASSAN

As stated by the World Health Organization (WHO) on the unsuitability of the pill for children or breast-feeding mothers, Dr Ang said that they are suitable for mothers, but not their babies.

Therefore, if a mother is breast-feeding and has contracted COVID-19, and requires the medication, it will be given to them, but they will have to pause on breast-feeding, Dr Ang said.

“Once they recover they can resume breast-feeding,” he added.

Dato Seri Setia Dr Awang Haji Mohd Amin Liew emphasised that the pills will not be given to everyone as it is reserved for those in the high-risk group.

Dr Ang also said the MoH team of specialists will identify the qualified patients as it is not suited to everyone. Thus, he added, the ministry is not distributing the pills to health centres or hospitals en masse.

Dr Ang said the pills are to be taken for five days straight by those showing mild to moderate symptoms as it is not suited to patients who are already hospitalised.

“These pills are for those who are not hospitalised yet, but are at high risk of being admitted into hospitals or ICU. So we have to be selective in prescribing the pills to ensure patients receive the most benefit,” said Dr Ang.

Accuracy depends on correct usage of ART kits

Fadley Faisal

The accuracy of the antigen rapid test (ART) kit depends on how it is administered, said Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Health (MoH) Haji Maswadi bin Haji Mohsin.

He said this after Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office and Minister of Finance and Economy II Dato Seri Setia Dr Awang Haji Mohd Amin Liew bin Abdullah, who presided over the daily press conference yesterday on behalf of Minister of Health Dato Seri Setia Dr Haji Mohd Isham bin Haji Jaafar, invited him to address a question from the media on the accuracy of a certain brand of ART kit upon public complaints.

Haji Maswadi said ART kits on the market have gone through tests for their effectiveness and suitability.

He added that while some kits are not suitable for non-professional use, the public should read the ART kit instructions thoroughly before performing the tests.

Great Barrier Reef suffers widespread coral bleaching

CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA (AP) – Australia’s Great Barrier Reef is suffering widespread and severe coral bleaching due to high ocean temperatures two years after a mass bleaching event, a government agency said yesterday.

The report by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Authority, which manages the world’s largest coral reef ecosystem, comes three days before a United Nations (UN) delegation is due to assess whether the reef’s World Heritage listing should be downgraded due to the ravages of climate change.

“Weather patterns over the next few weeks will be critical in determining the overall extent and severity of coral bleaching across the Marine Park,” the authority said.

“Bleaching has been detected across the Marine Park – it is widespread but variable, across multiple regions, ranging in impact from minor to severe,” the authority added.

The reef has suffered significantly from coral bleaching caused by unusually warm ocean temperatures in 2016, 2017 and 2020. The previous bleaching damaged two-thirds of
the coral.

The environmental group Greenpeace said the severe and widespread coral bleaching suffered during a La Niña weather pattern that is associated with cooler Pacific Ocean temperatures was evidence of the Australian government’s failure to protect the coral from the impacts of climate change.

“This is a sure sign that climate change caused by burning coal, oil and gas is threatening the very existence of our reef,” Greenpeace Australia Pacific Climate Impacts Campaigner Martin Zavan said in a statement.

In July last year, Australia garnered enough international support to defer an attempt by UNESCO, the UN’s cultural organisation, to downgrade the reef’s World Heritage status to “in danger” because of damage caused by climate change.

But the question will be back on the World Heritage Committee’s agenda at its next annual meeting in June.

A UN delegation will inspect the reef’s health next week.

A small fish school in waters of Ribbon Reef No 10 near Cairns, Australia. PHOTO: AP

One nabbed for violating stay-at-home directive

Izah Azahari

The Royal Brunei Police Force (RBPF) detected one violation during Operasi Peralihan yesterday.

This was shared by Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office and Minister of Finance and Economy II Dato Seri Setia Dr Awang Haji Mohd Amin Liew bin Abdullah at the press conference yesterday.

Aatham Alimaideen Maiderm Abdul Karim was issued a compound fine for violating the stay-at-home directive from midnight to 4am.

The RBPF said the violation occurred in Brunei-Muara District.

Aatham Alimaideen Maiderm Abdul Karim. PHOTO: RBPF

Doa Selamat for peacekeepers

Adib Noor

A Doa Selamat was held yesterday for the deployment of the 18th International Monitoring Team Mindanao Brunei Darussalam (IMT-M NBD) and the 4th Independent Decommissioning Body Verification, Monitoring, and Assistance Team (IDB VMAT) at Surau Ad-Difa’, Bolkiah Garrison.

Acting Commander of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces (RBAF) Brigadier General Dato Seri Pahlawan Haji Abdul Razak bin Haji Abdul Kadir Present was the guest of honour.

Also in attendance were Deputy Commissioner of the Royal Brunei Police Force (RBPF) Sulaiman bin Alidin, Acting Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Defence (MinDef), senior leadership, defence representatives from diplomatic missions in Brunei Darussalam, officers and personnel of the MinDef and RBAF.

The ceremony began with the recitation of verses of Al-Quran followed by Tazkirah and proceeded with the presentation of Buku Perwira as tokens of appreciation for the contingent, and concluded with Sunat Dhuha prayers.

The 18th IMT-M NBD contingent is led by Commander Md Zouhdy bin Haji Abdul Razak, RBN and comprise four RBAF officers and an officer from RBPF. The 4th IDB VMAT contingent is led by Lieutenant Colonel Hairin bin Japar and comprise of three RBAF officers. The contingents will depart for Mindanao, The Philippines on March 21. As part of regional co-operation, the Sultanate will continue to provide assistance to ensure the neighbouring state’s peace and stability.

These missions are held to oversee the ceasefire agreement between The Philippine government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), as well as the process of decommissioning the MILF’s forces and weapons.

RBAF has participated in the IMT-M since 2004 and IDB VMAT since 2019 as part of its commitment towards regional and international peace and security.

The international mission is in line with the country’s aspirations underscored in the Brunei Darussalam Defence White Papers.

ABOVE & BELOW: Photos showing the Doa Selamat in progress. PHOTOS: ADIB NOOR

Acting Commander of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces (RBAF) Brigadier General Dato Seri Pahlawan Haji Abdul Razak bin Haji Abdul Kadir presents a token of appreciation

Michigan house for sale features an unusual, throne-like toilet

UPI – A house listed for USD979,000 in the Detroit suburbs is drawing attention online for an unusual feature – a toilet that resembles an actual throne.

The St Clair Shores house is nicknamed the ‘House of Charm’ in honour of its original resident, Edythe Fern Melrose, TV and radio host known as The Lady of Charm.

The home, listed for USD979,000 by Tom Fincham of Community Choice Realty, features five bathrooms, but one is drawing particular attention for its toilet – a high-backed wooden seat that resembles a royal throne. The toilet features a candle holder mounted to its high wooden back.

A St Clair Shores, Michigan, home for sale is drawing attention online due to its unusual throne-like toilet. PHOTO: TOM FINCHAM/COMMUNITY CHOICE REALITY

World’s oldest blue-eyed black lemurs celebrate birthday

UPI – The world’s oldest blue-eyed black lemurs, Stewart and Bardot, are celebrating their birthdays, the Philadelphia Zoo announced.

Stewart turned 32 this past week, making him the oldest male blue-eyed black lemur, and Bardot turned 30, making her the oldest female blue-eyed black lemur.

“Blue-eyed black lemurs and spider monkeys are the only two primates other than humans that have true blue eyes. We’re so thankful to have such an incredible animal care team and vet staff to keep this couple healthy and happy in their golden years,” the Philadelphia Zoo said on Twitter.

Blue-eyed black lemurs are sexually dimorphic, which gives males and females different colours. Stewart has black fur while Bardot has tan fur.

The species is critically endangered and are considered to be one of the most threatened primates on the planet.

Stewart and Bardot at the Philadelphia Zoo. PHOTO: TWITTER/ PHILLY ZOO

Youth club marks Nisfu Sya’aban celebration

Rokiah Mahmud

The Youth Transformation Community Club (KKBT), Youth Centre Bandar Seri Begawan along with KKBT Religious Bureau organised a programme titled ‘Ihya Malam Nisfu Sya’ban’ on Thursday night to commemorate Nisfu Sya’aban.

The event was also supported by the Youth and Sports Department (JBS) at the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports (MCYS).

Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports Major General (Rtd) Dato Paduka Seri Haji Aminuddin Ihsan bin Pehin Orang Kaya Saiful Mulok Dato Seri Paduka Haji Abidin participated in the event.

The event was conducted online via Zoom. A religious talk entitled ‘Ya Allah Sampaikanlah Kami Ke Bulan Ramadhan’ was delivered by accredited religious lecturer from the Brunei Islamic Religious Council (MUIB) and Head of Youth of Ash-Shaliheen Mosque Ahmad Muzhafar bin Haji Marsidi.

The programme included recitations of Ratib Al-Attas, Doa Nisfu Sya’aban and Selawat, followed by recitations of Surah Yaasiin and Surah Al-Mulk.

Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports Major General (Rtd) Dato Paduka Seri Haji Aminuddin Ihsan bin Pehin Orang Kaya Saiful Mulok Dato Seri Paduka Haji Abidin attending the event. PHOTO: BRUNEI BERZIKIR COMMUNITY