Tuesday, September 17, 2024
28 C
Brunei Town


National committee calls for fairer assessment in US trafficking report

The National Committee on Trafficking in Persons (TIP) under the Prime Minister’s Office expressed its disappointment that the Sultanate’s efforts in combating TIP have not been given fair consideration in the recent report where the country has been moved to the Tier 3 position in the United States (US) Department of State’s 2024 TIP Report.

In a statement issued on Tuesday, the national committee also shared that Brunei has carried out recommendations as set out in the US TIP report last year.

While the report did mention the Sultanate’s efforts in combatting TIP, the national committee identified a significant number of inaccuracies and misrepresentations in the report. The national committee found at least 41 factual errors.

Brunei is a country that respects and upholds international law and has implemented domestic legislation, namely the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act, Chapter 230 and has also adopted a National Plan of Action on TIP.

These are consistent with the country’s obligations and international standards under the United Nations Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children (UN TIP Protocol) and the ASEAN Convention on TIP (ACTIP).


In this regard, the national committee firmly believes that the investigation, prosecution and conviction of TIP cases should not be the determining factors in assessing the country’s efforts against TIP.

The Sultanate takes a holistic approach under the National Plan of Action on TIP which covers four key areas – prevention, protection, prosecution and partnerships.

Agencies under the national committee have worked tirelessly to ensure that measures are in place for the protection of vulnerable groups through the establishment of a dedicated shelter facility for TIP victims.

Preventive efforts have also been conducted through regular briefings and public outreach initiatives by the national committee.

Notwithstanding the recent downgrade, the national committee is fully committed to its efforts to prevent and counter the threats of human trafficking in the Sultanate.

The national committee will also continue to adopt a victim-centred approach in prioritising the tangible impact on vulnerable individuals.

The national committee welcomes the US’ efforts to produce an annual report to highlight this important global issue.

However, the agency urged that the US adopt a fairer and more objective methodology in future editions of its TIP report to ensure a consistent, transparent, and measurable framework is applied to all countries and a better understanding of the different legal structures and domestic contexts of countries ranked in the report is taken into account. – James Kon


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