Wednesday, July 3, 2024
30 C
Brunei Town

Myanmar earns over USD1M from honey export within five months

YANGON (XINHUA) – Myanmar exported more than 1,000 metric tonnes of honey worth over USD1.76 million within five months in the April-August period this year, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation (MOALI) told Xinhua yesterday.

The country exports honey mostly to Japan and South Korea, Director at the Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department under the MOALI U Soe Naing told Xinhua yesterday, saying that the United States, Thailand, and China also order honey from Myanmar.

The Southeast Asian country expects to boost generating incomes from honey export in accordance with the Good Beekeeping Practice (GBP).

“We inspect the beekeeping together with the field inspection teams in line with the GBP. It is expected to earn more if we produce honey as per the GBP standards,” he said.

The honey will be free from contamination by antibiotic residues when the process is carried out under good beekeeping techniques. Countries have various standardisations for antibiotic residues in honey; some don’t allow involvement of the antibiotic residues in the honey,  he added.

Myanmar’s exported animal products, including honey, were valued at USD2.315 million during the April-July period of the 2023-24 Financial Year, showed the data from the Ministry of Commerce. The country exports agricultural, animal, marine, minerals, and forest products.


