Tuesday, September 17, 2024
28 C
Brunei Town


Mental health roadshow reaches MTIC

The Ministry of Health (MoH) is holding a mental health and workplace well-being roadshow across all ministries, to mark World Mental Health Day 2023.

The initiative, which began in October 2023, has been held in nine ministries, with the latest at the Ministry of Transport and Infocommunications (MTIC) yesterday.

The event began with the recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah, followed by an opening address from Head of Mental Health Strategy at the Health Promotion Centre Nor Syahmun binti Haji Matassan.

The programme featured two expert presentations on mental health – Yap Ai Peng, a psychologist from the MoH, and assistant counsellor from the Prisons Department Fariszal bin Ali. The roadshow is a collaborative effort between the MoH, the Ministry of Religious Affairs and the MTIC, with support from the Counselling Division of the Public Service Department, the Brunei Darussalam Red Crescent Society and Clarity Sdn Bhd.

Its objective is to raise awareness on the prevention and management of mental health issues.

It also serves as a platform to share the importance of mental well-being and self-care, with the aim of reducing social stigma and negative perceptions surrounding mental health, particularly among public service employees.

The event acts as a dissemination platform for the mental health and well-being services available in the country, both in the government and private sectors, according to the MoH. – Fadley Faisal & James Kon

Health personnel briefing a roadshow visitor. PHOTO: HEALTH PROMOTION CENTRE
ABOVE & BELOW: Attendees during the roadshow; and Head of Mental Health Strategy at the Health Promotion Centre Nor Syahmun binti Haji Matassan delivers a speech. PHOTO: HEALTH PROMOTION CENTRE


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