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    Fixed broadband uplift to improve online experience

    In ensuring inclusive access to connectivity, UNN’s Rural Development Programme for fibre rollout and additional base stations are being planned and carried out to reach difficult-to-access rural areas.

    Thirty-eight rural locations have been planned across Belait, Tutong and Temburong districts, and include areas in Kampong Long Mayan, Kampong Sukang, Kampong Melilas, Kampong Biadong Ulu, Kampong Senukoh, and Kampong Parit Amo.

    Four rural locations namely Kampong Rampayoh, Kampong Menengah Lamunin, Kampong Kuala Abang and Kampong Bukit Barun are already providing mobile coverage to previously uncovered areas.

    Current trends indicate that two-thirds of the world’s total population should be online by this time next year, with expectations activity continuing to increase.

    The need to promote online connectivity is clear as the world is becoming increasingly digital.

    The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that connectivity is no longer a luxury but a lifeline for working, learning, keeping in touch and accessing essential services.

    Currently, about 92 per cent of the households in Brunei are covered with fibre, ready to deliver broadband services, while 90 per cent of it is covered for mobile services based on the latest technology which is 5G-ready.

    The latest Global Median Speed reports from Ookla reveal that the world’s median mobile Internet connection is at 30.37Mbps and fixed broadband connection is at 67.25Mbps.

    While Brunei is ranked number one in ASEAN and number 14 in the world surpassing Singapore (rank 18th) in mobile Internet connection, it fared less impressively at number 99 globally with its fixed broadband median speed.

    While 5G is highly anticipated and a central topic during the Brunei Mid-Year Conference and Exhibition 2022, it is important to transform visions and ideas made possible with the technology into actionable activities, as well as identify and test applications that will lay the building blocks and create value for the Digital Economy in the Sultanate.

    Besides the modernisation of infrastructure and introduction of new technologies, affordability, speed, and security are also part of achieving reliable digital connectivity.

    The Brunei telecommunications industry will uplift fixed broadband speeds next month with the objective of bringing the baseline speed up to at least 50Mbps.

    In this way, UNN and its partners are ensuring that the country and its population achieve meaningful digital connectivity.

    “Broadband connectivity, specifically fixed broadband, empowers the public during pandemic to remotely work, study and play.

    “The fixed broadband uplift will ensure better experience for the public,” said Datastream Digital (DST) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Radin Sufri Radin Basiuni.

    “DST, in support of the fixed broadband uplift will commence fixed broadband speed uplift on September 1, 2022 to our Infinity subscribers at no additional charges and no extension of their current service contract.

    “In furtherance to that, DST will be able to address other needs of its Infinity subscribers, other than speed. There will be choices that will address its Infinity subscribers experience.”

    imagine Sdn Bhd CEO Suzannawati binti Haji Suharju added, “The advancement in Brunei’s telecommunications network through UNN will provide Bruneians with maximum opportunity to explore, create and imagine what’s next through next-gen telecomms solution whether for home, for work, or on the move.

    “As our imagineers continue to support the development of information and communications technology in the country, imagine is committed to provide the best customer experience in the industry that goes beyond connectivity. “

    Similarly, Progresif Sdn Bhd CEO Hajah Nurul Haniah binti Haji Jaafar said, “With the latest broadband uplift led by the industry, this will fulfil streaming or online experience for the people of Brunei.

    “At Progresif, it is our mission to ensure we help unlock possibilities so Bruneians can enjoy the benefits of a connected, inspired, and progressive life which is why we believe in providing them affordable packages and an unrivalled customer experience.”

    All the telecommunications service providers (telcos) within the Darussalam Assets Sdn Bhd Group of Companies, supported by Authority for Info-communications Technology Industry of Brunei Darussalam (AITI) champions the nation’s progress towards transforming Brunei into a Smart Nation aligned with the Digital Economy Masterplan 2025 and Brunei Vision 2035.

    With the latest initiative to be driven by the telcos, this national broadband uplift to be launched in September 2022 aims to improve customer experience with services that are more affordable for all.


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