High Commissioner of Bangladesh to Brunei Darussalam Nahida Rahman Shumona recently observed an Al-Quran learning class at the Kampong Sungai Pandan Religious Hall.
The classes are facilitated by Awangku Muhd Khairul Hakimin bin Pengiran Abdul Manan to 30 to 40 children every Friday morning.
Speaking to the Weekend Bulletin, the high commissioner shared that she first heard about the class last year from former Legislative Council member Khairunnissa binti Haji Ash’ari, who was also present at the visit.
“The facilitator is amazing as he keeps the class lively. Though the children are of different ages; he places them in small groups and gives them individual attention with three volunteers. I saw a man with a learning disability who also helps with the teaching. It is a lovely morning class,” said Nahida.
“I’m not really good in Arabic, but I could follow what the facilitator was teaching which includes, the alphabets, short verses of Al-Quran and basic calligraphy. When I visited the class, I fell in love with the children – especially three-year old little Bella. I spent few hours there with the children and I had a fantastic time,” she added.
High commissioner’s niece, Fareeah Saifullah, who happened to be visiting from Australia also spent the afternoon with the children, sharing stories after classes.
“My niece was blown over by the visit and hopes that she can come again to help the facilitator to teach the little ones to write,” said Nahida.
“I’m amazed that the facilitator was able to keep Bella’s and the teenagers’ attention. It’s not easy considering he’s handling the classes alone. While a helping hand might help, it’s also a challenge as this place is quite remote. I am looking into more opportunities to visit children in classes in the remote areas,” she added.
The religious hall also provides Arabic language class for children aged between three and 14 and was established in 2023, by Projek Infaq and Brunei Youth Council (MBB).
The children were also given art supplies to practice calligraphy by the high commissioner. – Lyna Mohamad