As 2024 draws to a close, the final Friday of the year was marked by a significant moment of reflection and gratitude in mosques throughout Brunei Darussalam. Imams across the nation delivered a powerful Friday sermon, urging congregants to reflect on the passing year and consider their resolutions for the year ahead.
The sermon began with a reminder of how swiftly time has passed. It was noted that, whether realised or not, the end of the year had arrived, and the last Friday of 2024 was being observed.
Gratitude was expressed for the peaceful, harmonious and prosperous life experienced in Brunei throughout the year, and hopes were also voiced that these blessings would continue into the coming year, enriching lives not only in Brunei but across the global community.
The congregation was encouraged to raise their gratitude and prayers to Allah the Almighty, seeking for His blessings to remain with them, reminding congregants that if His blessings were taken for granted or ignored, they could easily be removed, as all blessings are temporary loans from the Almighty.
As the year concludes, the sermon also encouraged personal reflection, urging individuals to evaluate their actions and improve upon any mistakes or shortcomings. It was highlighted that those who consistently reflect on their actions and strive for improvement are seen as wise.
The congregation was then urged to assess whether the obligations commanded by Allah had been fulfilled, including evaluating the sincerity in performing the five daily prayers, paying zakat, fastin and refraining from prohibited actions such as adultery, usury, and bribery.
The evaluation of fulfilment of personal duties and responsibilities was also stressed on. If found to be satisfactory, efforts should be made to reach even higher standards, while areas of weakness should be addressed.
Imams also reminded the congregation that all humans possess inherent weaknesses and limitations, which require continuous reflection. It was stated that neglecting these weaknesses could lead to a tendency to judge others, rather than first addressing one’s own faults.
With the new year approaching, the sermon acknowledged that it is often associated with resolutions. The importance of setting resolutions was emphasised, as they serve as motivation and a driving force for achieving personal goals and performing tasks with greater dedication. The congregation was encouraged to make firm resolutions for the coming year and to put in sincere efforts to achieve their aspirations.
Looking towards 2025, the sermon called for continued self-improvement, with a focus on strengthening one’s faith. Resolutions for personal and spiritual growth were urged, with the hope that everyone could become better Muslims. A prayer was offered for Brunei Darussalam to remain peaceful, prosperous, and safe under the protection of Allah, and for the blessings of the new year to be abundant.
The sermon concluded by encouraging the congregation to embrace the new year with renewed commitment to self-improvement and to uphold the values of peace, prosperity, and unity within their families and communities. – Izah Azahari