Tuesday, September 17, 2024
28 C
Brunei Town


Fostering ties in the great outdoors

Campers Brunei

Campers Brunei, formed through a WhatsApp group chat, held a camping and glamping activity, in conjunction with His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam’s 78th birthday, coinciding with the school term break.

The group has been quite active at several camping sites in the Sultanate, with the latest at the Muara Beach from Thursday until today.

Campers Brunei was set up to strengthen ties among local campers and establish a healthy and fit community, while exchanging experiences and reducing stress among those facing life challenges.

The group runs without a leader, and activities are organised through brainstorming among the group members.

Throughout the four-day event, several activities are held, including the exchange of gifts and family bonding games. Awang Mohamad, a retired civil servant, said the group holds a voting poll for camping activities and Muara Beach was the recommendation in the last poll.

“The response was beyond our expectations, as our target initially was 78 participants to commemorate His Majesty’s age. It ended being more than 80,” said Awang Mohamad.

He also said, “Campers Brunei strives to be a trend among the young generation, by taking them out for activities, such as camping, to open their minds, just as it was back then, where children mostly spent time outdoors with families.”

The camping activity was coordinated by its members Hakim and Danny, he said, adding that they are planning to attend the 2nd Sabah Camping Festival next month.

“Before this, we camped at Batang Duri, then Serasa Beach, and now Muara Beach, and generated a positive response among members who brought along their families, instead of spending time across the borders or abroad and do a bit of family-quality bonding time. The children are happy, and in the evening the camp area is lit up with colourful lights. We have this beautiful place, clean, but still needs improvement for added convenience,” Awang Mohamad said. – Lyna Mohamad

ABOVE & BELOW: Photos show tents at Muara Beach. PHOTO: JEFFREY WONG
ABOVE & BELOW: Children enjoying themselves at the camp site. PHOTO: JEFFREY WONG

Family Friend Camping Glamping Brunei Darussalam

A group of family, friends and solo campers gathered at Muara Beach for a school holiday activity.

Rashadanny bin Rosli of the Family Friend Camping Glamping Brunei Darussalam group, in an interview with the Bulletin, said the group aims to promote outdoor activities and camping experiences in the Sultanate.

“Our primary goal is to provide an avenue for families to explore and engage in camping activities within our own country. Additionally, we aim to gather camping communities to further strengthen bonds and explore the rich natural landscapes that the country has to offer,” he said.

The group plans to organise various camping and glamping events, ensuring participants have a safe and enjoyable experience while discovering the beauty of the country.

“We’ve leveraged platforms like WhatsApp to create a dedicated group for Brunei campers, allowing us to easily communicate and organise events. When a camping event is planned, word spreads quickly, and many are eager to join. This sense of community is vital to our mission,” Rashadanny added.

The organisation also hopes to be able to invite regional and international participants to experience the camping culture, positioning the country as a premier destination for such activities. Through these efforts, the group hopes to further strengthen the local camping community and extend its reach to a global audience.

Meanwhile, Sofan Sufiyan bin Haji Sabtu, along with his family, are avid participants in glamping. Their love for the outdoors and the comfort of glamping has made them a regular sight at various events organised by the group. Their participation reflects the growing trend of families choosing glamping as a way to bond and explore nature together in a more luxurious setting. – Fadley Faisal 

ABOVE & BELOW: Photos show families at the camp site. PHOTO: RAFI ROSLI & FADLEY FAISAL
Sofan Sufiyan bin Haji Sabtu and his family at their tent. PHOTO: RAFI ROSLI & FADLEY FAISAL





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