Brunei Darussalam Wushu Federation is looking to promote wushu at grassroots level at all schools as the second Brunei Darussalam Schools Games taking place in November will include the sport for the first time, federation president Lim Boon Hwa said.
“The association is looking for coaches to bring wushu to schools in all four districts,” he said at the annual general meeting and new year gathering at a hotel in Berakas yesterday.
Lim said Brunei wushu exponents will continue training to achieve good results and bring glory to the Sultanate.
He said a team of athletes from Australia was in Brunei to train with local wushu exponents for the first time. This shows that the Sultanate’s wushu quality is internationally recognised, he added.
The president said the federation will send athletes to China for a month-long intensive training in March. The association will also host the first invitational competition with 16 teams in May. Local wushu exponents will also join local and international competitions in August and October.
Lim noted several milestones last year including the federation’s 20th anniversary celebration and achievements by local wushu athletes. Local exponents competed in several international meets and championships and won medals. Basma Lachkar secured a silver medal in the Asian Games, the nation’s first, as well as nominated as World Games Athlete of the Year, also Brunei’s first.
The president expressed appreciation to the athletes’ parents, the Brunei government, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, Brunei Darussalam National Olympic Council and donors for their support.
The meeting also saw the reading of 2023’s meeting minutes by Brunei Darussalam Wushu Federation Secretary General Ang Ju Ming and financial report by Lim. – James Kon