Sunday, October 6, 2024
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Brunei Town


Embracing new beginnings: A new year Hijrah story

As the new year Hijrah dawns, Muslims around the world take a moment to reflect on Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) migration from Makkah to Madinah.

The event symbolises a journey towards a better future, and for many, it serves as an inspiration for personal transformation and renewal.

Layla, a 32-year-old teacher using a pseudonym to maintain humility, said she always led a busy life filled with responsibilities and commitments.

However, she often felt overwhelmed and disconnected from the spiritual aspects of her life. Ushering in the new year Hijrah, Layla decided it was time to make a change.

She wanted to find balance, reconnect with her faith, and focus on her well-being.

Determined to start fresh, Layla set aside a week during the new year of Hijrah to focus on self-care and spiritual growth. She took time off from work and minimised her social obligations.

File photo of a man reading Al-Quran at a mosque. PHOTO: KHAYR ZAKARIYYA
A view of Jame’ ‘Asr Hassanil Bolkiah during sunset. Mosques nationwide held religious events to celebrate the new year 1446 Hijrah yesterday. PHOTO: KHAYR ZAKARIYYA

Layla created a simple plan: she would dedicate her mornings to prayer and reflection, her afternoons to reading and learning about Islamic teachings, and her evenings to spending quality time with family. Layla began her days with Subuh prayer, followed by quiet moments of reflection. She read about Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) journey and found inspiration in his resilience and dedication.

During the afternoons, Layla delved into books about Islamic history and values, gaining a deeper understanding of her faith. She also took long walks at a nearby park, appreciating the beauty of nature and feeling a sense of peace and gratitude.

In the evenings, Layla spent time with her family, sharing meals and discussing what she had learned.

She also made an effort to reconnect with her local mosque community. Attending the mosque for prayers and participating in community events allowed her to build new friendships and feel a sense of belonging.

Throughout the week, Layla experienced moments of clarity and inner peace.

She realised that the changes she was making were not just about adjusting her schedule, but about shifting her mindset. Layla found herself more patient, compassionate, and grateful for the small joys in life. By the end of the week, she felt rejuvenated and ready to carry these positive changes into her daily routine.

Layla’s story is a reminder that the new year Hijrah is an opportunity for personal growth and renewal.

It encourages us to pause, reflect, and make positive changes in our lives.

Whether through small adjustments or significant transformations, embracing the spirit of Hijrah can lead to a more fulfilling and meaningful life. – Fadley Faisal


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