Rokiah Mahmud & Azlan Othman
In conjunction with the country’s 38th National Day, Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA) through the Student Affairs’ Office organised a Doa Kesyukuran ceremony on February 24.
UNISSA Rector Dr Haji Norarfan bin Haji Zainal was the guest of honour at the ceremony conducted at Surau Al-Syafi’I, UNISSA and via Zoom. UNISSA main officers, academicians, officers, staff and students were also present.
The ceremony began with mass Maghrib prayer led by Year One student Muhammad Ekram ‘Afif bin Haji Mohd Hanafi from the Faculty of Usuluddin.
The Hajat prayer, recitation of Surah Yaasiin and Doa Kesyukuran were led by UNISSA officer Pengiran Mohammad Daud bin Pengiran Matassan and concluded with mass Isyak prayer.
Meanwhile, UNISSA, through the Centre for Leadership and Lifelong Learning, opened registration for the Da’ie and Leadership National Diploma Programme, session 2022/2023 (part-time).
The progamme is open to government and non-government officials and staff, as well as the public.