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Brunei’s path towards a circular economy

Minister of Primary Resources and Tourism Dato Seri Setia Dr Haji Abdul Manaf bin Haji Metussin shared that Brunei Darussalam is making significant strides towards establishing a circular economy through government policies, waste management strategies, public education efforts, international collaborations, and private sector participation.

He said this during a keynote address at the Sustainable Economy Forum 2024 yesterday.

While challenges remain, he reminded that the commitment from all relevant agencies indicate a positive trajectory towards achieving sustainability goals aligned with circular economic principles.

He also shared several key efforts carried out by the Ministry of Primary Resources and Tourism towards a circular economy in the Sultanate. “While we may be a small country, we are rich in resources and have recognised the importance of shifting towards a circular economy as part of our broader sustainable development goals,” he said.

In agriculture, the ministry introduced regenerative farming to enhance soil health by converting farm waste into compost, aiming to reduce chemical fertiliser use and improve crop yields. Greenhouse farming has also been promoted for efficient water and fertiliser use.

In fisheries, circular economy practices like aquaponics and recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) are adopted to minimise waste and enhance resource efficiency.

The ministry, he said, “also ensures that food industries adhere to international standards in ensuring sustainability in production and ecosystems. In the agriculture sector, there are a number of companies certified as Brunei Good Agriculture Practices (Brunei GAP) farms”.

Marine Protected Areas (MPA) and habitat restoration efforts, such as coral reef rehabilitation and the rigs-to-reef programme, support marine life and biodiversity.

The minister also highlighted Brunei’s sustainable forestry efforts, which include carbon absorption, ecosystem health, and sustainable timber production. The ‘Brunei Wood Product’ logo initiative ensures wood products are sustainably produced.

“The Forestry Department leads Strategy 2: Forest Cover under the Brunei National Climate Change Policy (BNCCP), aiming to increase carbon sinks through afforestation and reforestation with a goal of planting 500,000 trees by 2035,” he said. The ministry also encourages participation in the ‘26,000 Trees Campaign’, aiming for each ministry to plant at least 2,000 trees annually as per outlined in The Green Protocol.

For tourism, regenerative tourism is promoted, combining environmental conservation with community-focused cultural experiences, leveraging Brunei’s unique biodiversity and cultural heritage. – James Kon

Minister of Primary Resources and Tourism Dato Seri Setia Dr Haji Abdul Manaf bin Haji Metussin delivers a keynote address during the Sustainable Economy Forum 2024. PHOTO: JAMES KON

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