Rokiah Mahmud
Muhammad Luqman bin Haji Kamaludin from the Santai Aja Bladers Team emerged champion of the Santai-Santai Beyblade Competition organised by DBos Beys Beyblade Brunei Darussalam after defeating Jurkanain bin Haji Husin in the finals with a score of five to three.
Muhammad Luqman won a 42L oven, free slot, certificate and a hamper. His teammate Jurkanian was the runner-up, while third and fourth place went to Haris Abdullah and Junaidi bin Muhammad Yussof, both from Jaksuha Bladers.
Consolation prizes went to JB Sharizam Hanis bin Haji Sharbini, GB Azrul bin Md Tuah, SA Muhammad Adam Rafiqin bin Rozaimi and JB Mohammad Erwan Shah bin Haji Tengah.
The competition attracted some 20 teams including Santai Aja Bladers, Ghostbeys, Underground Beys and Jaksuha Bladers.