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Beauty benefits of turmeric

AFP – Native to Southeast Asia, turmeric has been the subject of numerous scientific studies that have focussed on exploring its nutritional and medical benefits.

But what about its role in the beauty industry?

This spice, known to be an excellent natural hair dye, could be beneficial not only in the fight against acne, but also in reducing wrinkles and dark circles, not to mention banishing dull complexions.

Well-known in many traditional medicines, including Ayurveda, turmeric is beginning to make its way into the cosmetics industry.

The ingredient is now used in creams, masks, cleansers and hair care products, for example, and is making its way into DIY beauty recipes in the form of a hydrosol, powder, colourant or essential oil.

This means that as many people as possible can benefit from its many virtues for the skin and hair without having to resort to products with lengthy ingredient lists.

So why exactly is turmeric is becoming such a must-have spice in the beauty department?

If you’re a fan of wellness drinks, turmeric probably holds no secrets for you. This superfood is packed with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial actives that contribute to its fame.

But that’s not all. It could also be beneficial for tackling acne and blemishes of all kinds.

This is due to its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and healing properties, as well as its purifying action, which helps fight against the bacteria that cause blemishes.

Turmeric may even be a perfect partner to help reduce scars and stretch marks.

Curcumin, the main pigment in turmeric, is rich in anti-inflammatory properties, but that’s not all. It is an ingredient packed with antioxidants that helps fight against external aggression and signs of ageing.

It is even capable of blocking the action of elastase, an enzyme responsible for the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin.

By improving the elasticity of the skin, turmeric also helps to reduce dark circles, while its bright colour gives it a radiance boost for an immediate healthy glow.

Plus, turmeric is an excellent hair colourant that has the added bonus of soothing the scalp.

But American researchers have recently gone one step further by investigating the potential of curcumin as a natural sunscreen.

This research is still in its early stages, but it could one day allow this spice to be used to protect us from ultraviolet rays. Turmeric is clearly a go-to ingredient for the beauty sector that still has plenty of surprises in store.


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