Sunday, September 22, 2024
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Brunei Town


A boost for women entrepreneurs

The significance of the multi-organisational efforts both at ASEAN and national level in mainstreaming women’s micro, small and medium enterprises’ (MSMEs) participation in economic activities through which various development programmes and initiatives was launched to create a supportive environment enabling women entrepreneurs to embark on their entrepreneurship journey, nurture their growth and enhance their impact in the economic landscape, said Darussalam Enterprise (DARe) Enterprise Development Director Norlela binti Suhailee.

She said this at the country launch for Enhancing Digital Economy Participation for ASEAN Women MSMEs (IDEAS) project, an ongoing initiative under the Brunei Economic Development Board (BEDB) implemented by ASEAN Coordinating Committee on MSMEs (ACCMSME) under the ASEAN Strategic Action Plan for small and medium enterprises (SME) Development 2016-2025 (SAP SMED 2025), in partnership with the Asia Pacific Women’s Information Network Centre (APWINC) of Sookmyung Women’s University, South Korea.

“With the implementation of this project, I hope to see an encouraging participation of Brunei women entrepreneurs in gaining new knowledge and skill, and that it will bring about a transformative experience that helps to reshape and strengthen their approach to entrepreneurship,” she added.

The event at the Design and Technology Building in Anggerek Desa was attended by agencies and partners, including consultants, mentors, project trainers and trainees.

The project aims to provide opportunities for women entrepreneurs to actively participate in the ASEAN economy by increasing their capacity to use information and communications technology and online business platform through trainings as well as access to information while increasing connectivity among ASEAN member states (AMS) and South Korea.

Darussalam Enterprise (DARe) Enterprise Development Director Norlela binti Suhailee delivers a speech. PHOTO: ADIB NOOR
ABOVE & BELOW: Deputy Secretary General for Planning at Asia Pacific Women’s Information Network Centre of Sookmyung University, South Korea Dr Han Na Kim delivers a speech; and guests at the launch. PHOTO: ADIB NOOR

With a total funding of more than USD5.6 million from the ASEAN-Korea Cooperation Fund (AKCF) targeting beneficiaries of more than 4,000 women entrepreneurs across ASEAN, the project commenced its implementation in January 2022 in partnership with consultants and implementing institutions from ASEAN.

The project is expected to run until 2026 with activities which include developing e-business training toolkit for ASEAN women MSMEs, fostering e-business trainers in AMS; e-business capacity building training for women MSMEs in AMS and encouraging and supporting ASEAN women MSMEs to participate in digital economy.

The launch was jointly officiated by DARe Enterprise Development Director who is also Lead Representative for ACCMSME Brunei Darussalam Norlela and Deputy Secretary General for Planning at APWINC (on behalf of the Executive Director Dr Jungin Jo) of Sookmyung University, South Korea Dr Han Na Kim.

For the Sultanate, the IDEAS project will deliver training to 242 beneficiaries across all four districts starting tomorrow until December 2025. The project implementation will involve 14 local trainers expected to deliver training modules that will be customised to the country’s needs, conditions and context.

The modules will include topics such as business model generation and innovation, customer development, fundraising, e-commerce, digital marketing core, digital marketing advanced, digital content development core, digital content development advanced, privacy and cyber security and women’s empowerment in digital economy. – Adib Noor


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