Rokiah Mahmud
Some 25 officials representing departments under the Ministry of Finance and Economy (MoFE) attended a briefing on ‘Strengthening of Brunei Darussalam Maqasid Syariah in the Management and Administration’ on Saturday.
The briefing, organised by the Ministry of Religious Affairs (MoRA) in cooperation with MoFE, was facilitated by Dean of the Syariah Faculty from Religious Teachers University College of Seri Begawan (KUPU SB) Dr Haji Noralizam bin Haji Aliakbar.
It aimed to assess the coherence and efficacy of management and administration of the ministry based on the principles of Maqasid Syariah for the setting up of the Brunei Darussalam Maqasid Syariah Index.
The workshop also sought to cultivate and empower the sense of Rabbani among civil servants.