Sunday, September 8, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town


Workshop brings clarity to design, contract management

PUJA Academy Sdn Bhd (PASB) organised a two-day course titled ‘Understanding and Managing Turnkey/Design and Build Contracts’ delivered by professional and chartered engineer, chartered arbitrator, mediator and adjudicator Ir Harbans Singh at Universiti Brunei Darussalam.

Over 60 participants comprising PUJA members, government officers and members from the private sector joined the course yesterday. The course aimed to acquaint participants with the aspects of the types of contracts used not only for infrastructure projects but also largescale engineering and construction contracts.

The principal goal of the course is to familiarise participants with the recommended procedures for properly implementing/managing such contracts and to create awareness on the pitfalls and problem areas affecting the implementation/management of the common Turnkey/Design and Build Contracts used and to expose them to case studies and the applicable law.

The course also intended to be more of a workshop, involving participation, especially during the question-and-answer session.

The course also provided participants with the opportunity to learn aspects of administering the contract from commencement up to the issue of the final certificate, acquaint themselves with the practical issues involved in the day-to-day running of a contract and effective ways of managing time and cost related claims.

Attendees in a group photo. PHOTO: PUJA

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