Sunday, September 8, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town


Vikings edge TM-X1 to win Panaga cricket tourney

Vikings secured a close victory against Tamilnadu 11 (TM-XI) with a lead of one run in the finals for the Twenty20 (T20) Panaga Club Cricket Tournament on Sunday.

The tournament, organised by the Cricket Section at Panaga Club, saw five seasoned cricket teams from across the nation competing in a round-robin format.

Among the participating teams were Vikings, BSB, Gurkha, Serikandi Tuskers, and Tamilnadu 11.

The finals saw a close match between Vikings and TM-XI, where the former managed to gain an early lead in the first few overs. TM-XI managed to put up a strong fight in the final over as they gained several crucial runs.

Despite these gains, the Vikings narrowly secured the win with an impressive one-run lead against TM-XI.

Head of the cricket section at Panaga Ramana Rao witnessed the tournament.

“Certainly, we have seen an intense match between two veteran teams which I am sure will help to further bolster the sportsmanship and camaraderie among the players,” said Rao. – Daniel Lim

The winners and the teams in a group photo. PHOTO: DANIEL LIM
ABOVE & BELOW: Photos show the tournament in progress. PHOTO: DANIEL LIM


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