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US restaurant owner adds USD68 surcharge for loud kids

ANN/THE STRAITS TIMES – A restaurant in Georgia, United States is sparking controversy for charging patrons extra for bringing along kids it perceives as having bad behaviour.

The Toccoa Riverside Restaurant in the Blue Ridge Mountains has a warning printed on its menu that reads: “Adult surcharge: For adults unable to parent $$$.”

A family from Florida that dined at the riverside eatery in rural Georgia a few weeks ago was shocked to see a USD50 additional fee when the manager presented the bill.

The couple, Kyle and Lyndsey Landmann, were accompanied by their children and four other families – including 11 children aged between three and eight.

Landmann left a one-star Google review on the restaurant’s page two weeks ago, in which he said he was “disappointed by the experience”.

“The owner came out and told me he was adding USD50 to my bill because of my children’s behaviour,” he wrote.

He insisted that his children were well-behaved.

Landmann’s wife told American publication Today that the restaurant’s owner, Tim Richter, said he was adding the surcharge of USD50 per bill at their table because the kids were “too loud” and they were “running around outside”.


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