University explores lifelong learning collaboration with Thai institutions


A delegation from Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) Centre for Lifelong Learning (C3L) recently visited Thailand to foster collaborations and explore innovative initiatives in the field of lifelong learning.

The delegation visited the Mahidol University’s Faculty of Public Health and exchanged views on research and academic activities.

The delegation also visited the university’s Life-integrated Learning Centre at Mahidol University’s Salaya campus where they discussed learning initiatives, potential collaborations, and the exploration of mutual opportunities for growth.

The delegation also visited Bumrungrad International Hospital, where they looked into the institution’s occupational health and safety practices, particularly in the context of employee clinics and health-related initiatives.

A visit to the PTT Asahi Chemical Company Ltd in Rayong Province provided insights into industrial lifelong learning practices, knowledge sharing, and potential research opportunities that can benefit both institutions.

Meanwhile, the visit to Thai Oil Company in Sriracha, Chonburi, focused on exploring the occupational health nursing clinic in the workplace. The visit highlighted best practices in managing employee health and safety.

The delegation concluded their trip with a visit to Princess Agrarajakumari College of Nursing, Chulabhorn Royal Academy, where they discussed potential collaborations and joint initiatives.

The delegation during the visit to Mahidol University. PHOTO: UBD C3L