Sunday, October 13, 2024
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Brunei Town


UNISSA hosts mental health forum

Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali hosted a mental health forum to raise awareness of its importance among its students on Saturday. 

Panel members discuss mental health with university students. PHOTO: ROKIAH MAHMUD

The ‘TAPAU’ (Tugas Apa Pun Anak Utamakan, or Prioritise Your Child Despite Any Task) Forum was organised by UNISSA’s Counseling Service Unit of the Students Affairs Office and Rakan UMAT. It was also held in conjunction with World Mental Health Day.  

The forum discussed the differences in raising children in the past compared to the fast-paced digital era. It also discussed how the surrounding environment influences mental health, as well as touched on how to deal with balancing work and family life and how to handle family situations which are unsupportive or toxic. 

Meanwhile, the university also hosted a three-day mental health exhibition that took place on October 8. 

Several agencies participated in the exhibition, including the Mental Health Division of the Health Promotion Centre, Psychiatric Services from the Ministry of Health, the Department of Community Development from the Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Sports, the Department of Islamic Studies from the Ministry of Religious Affairs (KHEU), the Family Counselling Services Division of KHEU, Royal Brunei Airlines Counselling Unit, Al-Huffaz Management, Nuqra Quranic Learning Centre, Cureheart, Clarity Sendirian Berhad, and EMpowerior Counseling and Consultancy. – Rokiah Mahmud


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