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Transport and tourism synergy at 29th ATM

Minister of Transport and Infocommunications Pengiran Dato Seri Setia Shamhary bin Pengiran Dato Paduka Haji Mustapha attended the 29th ASEAN Transport Ministers’ (ATM) Meeting and Associated Dialogue Partner Meetings in Luang Prabang, Laos on November 9 – 10.

Lao Minister of Public Works and Transport Ngampasong Muongmany, who officiated the meeting, said transportation continues to play a key role in further improving connectivity and intra-ASEAN integration towards achieving the ASEAN Vision of a more inclusive, integrated, sustainable and people-oriented community.

The Lao minister chaired the 29th ATM and associated dialogue partner meetings in his capacity as the ATM chairman in 2023.

The meeting endorsed and adopted the following: the ASEAN Air Navigation Services Master Plan (Third Edition); the third protocol of the ASEAN mutual recognition arrangement on flight crew licensing (MRA-FCL) – safety oversight capabilities of national aviation administration; the ASEAN Sustainable Aviation Action Plan (ASAAP) and its work plan for 2023-2024; the policy recommendations to improve electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure and charging stations; the guidelines on smart port; and recommendations to strengthen regional preparedness for future crisis, with regard to promoting continuity of port terminal operations and facilitating crew change and repatriation.

A ministerial interface meeting between the ATM and the Meeting of ASEAN Tourism Meetings (M-ATM) was also held on November 10.

The meeting’s main objective was to discuss issues and cross-sectoral linkages between transport and tourism sectors to foster collaboration and facilitate travel recovery in the region.

The meeting exchanged views on approaches to boost both transport and travel, including leveraging on initiatives through digitalisation, harmonisation and sustainability.

The 29th ATM was followed by meetings with ASEAN dialogue partners – China, Japan and South Korea – to discuss initiatives for the development of transport cooperation including the endorsement of frameworks and work plans.

The 29th ATM was preceded by the 56th ASEAN Senior Transport Officials Meeting (56th STOM) and Associated Dialogue Partner Meetings in Luang Prabang on November 7-8.

Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Transport and Infocommunications Ir Haji Mohammad Nazri bin Haji Mohammad Yusof led the Brunei delegation.

The 56th STOM and dialogue partner meetings discussed key documents for adoption and endorsement by the ministers, as well as the progress and status of programmes, activities and projects under the Kuala Lumpur Transport Strategic Plan 2016-2025.

Minister of Transport and Infocommunications Pengiran Dato Seri Setia Shamhary bin Pengiran Dato Paduka Haji Mustapha at the meeting. PHOTO: MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT AND INFOCOMMUNICATIONS

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