Sunday, September 8, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town


Teraja Longhouse receives Raya gifts

Daniel Lim

In commemoration of Hari Raya, Sakam & Kawan International Travels and Tours Sdn Bhd made a contribution of daily necessities to new converts and residents of Teraja Longhouse, Labi on Monday.

Handing over the contribution on behalf of the company was Acting Village Head of Kampong Labi II Awang Muhd Nurazmi bin Haji Mustapa.

The longhouse’s Head of Women’s Bureau Embong anak Munah and treasurer of the committee Mohd Fadillah bin Abdullah Jamit received the contributions.

The donation was the second time the company had given to the longhouse as part of their initiative to lessen the burden and enliven the atmosphere at the longhouse, especially for new converts celebrating Hari Raya.

It also aimed to strengthen the relationship between the company and the residents, who provide expertise in guiding tourists and visitors to experience and enjoy the rural areas of Belait District.

Acting Village Head of Kampong Labi II Muhd Nurazmi bin Haji Mustapa hands over the contributions. PHOTO: TERAJA LONGHOUSE

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