Sunday, September 8, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town


Students learn importance of cleanliness

Some 59 Year 3 students from Paduka Seri Begawan Sultan Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Primary School (SRPSBSOAS) in Kuala Belait learnt about the importance of environmental cleanliness as well as dangers and fines associated with littering as part of a talk organised by the Kuala Belait and Seria Municipal Board yesterday.

The talk at the school is an initiative by the Municipal Board to instil a culture of cleanliness, especially among young students, and teaching how maintaining a clean environment can lead to accumulative benefits to the community and nation.

The briefing also saw the discussion of fines levied for those who litter on public premises, which is part of Chapter 30 of the Miscellaneous Offences Act.

The students also participated in several games, where they coloured signage to encourage people not to litter, which the Municipal Board hopes will be posted across the school premises to pass on the culture of cleanliness to their friends and beyond.

The Municipal Board conducted a similar talk for students of Pengiran Setia Jaya Pengiran Abdul Momin Primary School to foster the spirit of responsibility, raising awareness on cleanliness, and discipline to maintain said cleanliness of the environment. – Daniel Lim

ABOVE & BELOW: Photos show students at the event. PHOTO: DANIEL LIM


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