Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Brunei Town


Students informed of rights under Syariah laws

Izah Azahari

The Ta’dil As-Suluk Programme, previously held virtually, continued in a face-to-face on Tuesday involving Sanah 9 students from the Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Hajah Saleha Girls’ Arabic Religious Secondary School, Katok.

Students were briefed on the offences under the Syariah Criminal Penal Code Order 2013 and Dharar Syar‘ie Section, Chapter 217 under the Islamic Family Law Act.

The programme aimed to safeguard the students’ welfare by providing insights on the rights of personal protection for victims of abuse and crimes of domestic violence, and addressing social ills.

Presenting the talk were Special Level Syariah Legal Officer from the Islamic Legal Unit Mahani binti Haij Suhaili and Religious Officer from the Religious Enforcement Division Dayangku Norleilawati binti Pengiran Salleh.

Meanwhile, Religious Education Officer from the Arabic Schools Division, Islamic Studies Department Zamery bin Haji Nayan also delivered a religious talk for the students.

Students from the Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Hajah Saleha (RIPAS) Girls’ Secondary School attend the talk. PHOTO: MINISTRY OF RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS

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