Sunday, September 8, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town


Students gain insights on industrial safety

Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) plays a major role in ensuring the safety of everyone across all the industries in the nation.

Students can truly benefit from learning its role, said Reliable Services and Solutions (RSSB) Sdn Bhd Technical Manager Balakrishnan Chandramohan during the NDT and Rope Access Technique (RAT) roadshow at Sayyidina Ali Secondary School (SMSA) recently.

He said the roadshow also opens up potential career paths for the students by showcasing the importance of NDT and the demand for certified NDT personnel in the Sultanate.

The roadshow was organised by RSSB as part of their corporate social responsibility, led by its Managing Director Elmey Julkeply, Operation Director Mohamad Azlan bin Haji Tuah and Chandramohan.

The roadshow was attended by 106 students from SMSA, Pengiran Jaya Negara Pengiran Haji Abu Bakar Secondary School, Perdana Wazir Secondary School and Anthony Abell College.

ABOVE & BELOW: Photos show Reliable Services and Solutions (RSSB) Sdn Bhd personnel interacting with students at the roadshow. PHOTO: DANIEL LIM

Meanwhile, Operation Director Mohamad Azlan shared his experience and his career development over the years in the field of NDT to help motivate the students to strive towards the field of NDT.

The roadshow also saw a presentation on the introduction to NDT and the types of NDT used by Chandramohan and six booths set up by RSSB officers.

The booths featured the five basic NDT methods of visual testing, penetrant testing, magnetic particle testing, radiography testing and ultrasonic testing.

In addition to the NDT tests, a booth dedicated to IRATA (Industrial Rope Access Trade Association) was also set up to allow students to get a look at how NDT engineers and technicians navigate to the test site on elevated terrain and platforms.

Personnel from RSSB demonstrated rope access techniques to the students, including rescue techniques in case of any emergency during the actual inspection.

SMSA’s Deputy Principal of Administration Hajah Mazizan binti Haji Mohammad expressed gratitude to the company for their time and expertise to share their knowledge and skills with the students. – Daniel Lim


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