Sunday, September 8, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town


Students attend HIV awareness programme

Some 112 students from Sufri Bolkiah Secondary School (SMSB) attended the HIV awareness programme for Peers and Youth (HAPPY) conducted by the Brunei Darussalam AIDS Council (BDAIDSCouncil) on Saturday.

HAPPY coordinator Siti Kailene binti Jazlan Kashfi shared the latest local statistics on sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and teenage pregnancy, highlighting the age and gender dominating the statistics.

She added that these figures can be curbed by applying abstinence as part of a preventative measure to keep youth from involving in risky behaviour leading to the infection of STIs, getting pregnant out of wedlock or early marriage.

HAPPY is a youth-led interactive programme that combines audio and visuals as well as interactive activities to pass on the message to youth, including messages adapted to local settings, according to the BDAIDSCouncil. – James Kon

HAPPY Project Coordinator Siti Kailene binti Jazlan Kashfi delivers the talk. PHOTO: BDAIDSCOUNCIL

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