Sunday, September 8, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town


Shoutout to national carrier’s manager for act of kindness

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the station manager of Brunei national carrier’s office in Hong Kong for his exceptional level of kindness and compassion.

Last week, in the face of an incredibly challenging situation, I desperately needed to be by my mother’s side before she passed away. It was during such a trying time that the station manager stepped up to offer me his unwavering support.

Despite the circumstances falling beyond his regular work scope, he displayed immense empathy, going above and beyond to assist me. His efforts had allowed me to secure a last-minute flight, giving me the opportunity to be there for my mother in her final moments.

In a world that often feels cold and indifferent, the act of kindness displayed by the station manager has restored my faith in humanity.

His selflessness and dedication have touched the lives of many, and his assistance, forever be remembered with deep appreciation.

Fortunate One




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