Sunday, September 8, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town


Senior citizens join table tennis tournament

The Senior Citizens Activity Centre (PKWE) organised a table tennis competition recently.

Haji Abdul Lamit bin Burut won the individuals category while Pengiran Haji Aminoor bin Pengiran Haji Salimin and Haji Matnoor bin Haji Damit were first and second runners-up.

Haji Abdul Lamit and Haji Matnoor won the team category while Pengiran Haji Aminoor and Yussof bin Munap came in second place. Haji Bangok bin Kula and Idris bin Haji Ibrahim were in third place.

The competition at PKWE in RPN Kampong Lambak Kanan was organised by the PKWE Sports Committee. Brunei-Muara District PKWE Manager Haji Mohd Yussof bin Mohd Salleh attended as the guest of honour. – Rokiah Mahmud

Haji Abdul Lamit bin Burut and Haji Matnoor bin Haji Damit with their trophies. PHOTO: HAJI OTHMAN BIN HAJI ABDULLAH
The winners in a group photo. PHOTO: HAJI OTHMAN BIN HAJI ABDULLAH


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