Saturday, September 7, 2024
33 C
Brunei Town


Second phase of physical learning commences nationwide

Lambak Kiri Secondary School

James Kon

Some 340 students from Years 7-9 of Lambak Kiri Secondary School began face-to-face learning in classrooms yesterday.

Physical classes nationwide were temporarily halted for over four months last year due to the second wave of COVID-19.

The fully vaccinated students adhered to strict standard operating procedures (SOPs) including taking the weekly COVID-19 antigen rapid test (ART).

Lambak Kiri Secondary School Principal Rosmawati binti Mohammad observed the admission of students yesterday in ensuring SOPs were followed.

“Alhamdulillah, everything went as planned and teachers came in early to prepare for students’ arrival and to carry out the ART. We have three shift of ART for students in Years 7, 8 and 9,” she said.

The principal conveyed appreciation to teachers and parents for the teamwork and support.

A total of 100 students from Year 7; 138 students from Year 8; and 102 from Year 9 attended classes yesterday. Two-hundred and sixty Years 10-11 students have started attending physical classroom learning since January 3.

“Face-to-face learning is still preferred by students as they are always eager to meet their friends, while teachers can better supervise students in classroom compared to online,”
Rosmawati said.

The principal advised students to always adhere to SOPs including social distancing, wearing face masks at all times and regularly washing hands with soap or hand sanitiser.

ABOVE & BELOW: A teacher assists a student in carrying out the antigen rapid test; and students performing their own tests. PHOTOS: JAMES KON

Sayyidina Abu Bakar Secondary School

Rokiah Mahmud

Sayyidina Abu Bakar Secondary School (SMSAB) in Lambak Kanan welcomed their Years 7-9 students back to the classroom yesterday, with full observation of the standard operating procedures (SOPs).

SMSAB Principal Sia Ai Chin said students needed to undergo the antigen rapid test (ART) at the school’s multipurpose hall before being allowed to enter classrooms.

“Their parents dropped them off in front of the hall and they needed to produce consent letters from their parents before testing could begin. If the letter was not signed, they would not be able to conduct the ART test,” she said.

The ART will be conducted once a week and students must record their results on the provided tag including the date and time.

“From this procedure, we will be able to know which students have not taken the ART as the information will be on the tag. We will then discuss with the students on the certain date,” the principal added.

ABOVE & BELOW: SMSAB Principal Sia Ai Chin; and students in queue to get their COVID-19 tests. PHOTOS: ROKIAH MAHMUD

A teacher oversees a student performing the COVID-19 test

The school is dividing the ART procedure into two, with Years 8-9 students coming at 6.30am, while Year 7 at 9am.

“We have set up 10 stations, with each station able to accommodate nine students. Thus, the school can accommodate up to 90 students taking the test at any given time,” Sia said.

“For Year 7 students, we expected more than 160 for this academic year. However, there are some, who are not yet been vaccinated due to their age, while some are still waiting to receive their second dose.”

Those unvaccinated or partially vaccinated will be given home pack learning to ensure learning remains uninterrupted, she added.

In terms of classroom capacity, the principal said each classroom has no more than 25 students, with one-metre distance between desks.

“We constantly remind students and their parents regarding SOPs in class, wearing face mask at all times, wearing full school uniform and less group activities,” she said.

Earlier, Sia said, the school conducted a two-day virtual orientation programme for Year 7 students and their parents.

“We had several pre-recorded video sessions covering information such as registration, student’s affairs, administration, what to expect and what to expect from students who are about to embark their secondary school journey,” she said.

Chung Hwa Middle School BSB

James Kon

A total of 626 students from Years 7-11 started their face-to-face lessons at Chung Hwa Middle School Bandar Seri Begawan yesterday.

Years 7, 8 and 11 students attended the morning session, while Years 9 and 10 students showed up for the afternoon session.

All students are required to undergo the antigen rapid test every Monday at the school’s Darussalam Hall before classes begin.

The school’s Kindergartens 1-3 students as well as Years 1-6 students are still attending lessons online until further notice.

Students perform their own ART at the school’s hall. PHOTO: JAMES KON

Chung Hua Middle School KB

Daniel Lim

Chung Hua Middle School Kuala Belait welcomed some of its students back to school yesterday.

Pre-schoolers (Kindergartens 1 and 2) also started attending physical classes, accompanied by their parents and guardians.

School Principal Dr Chong Kui Kian said the pre-schoolers were guided by their parents, to help them adapt to the new learning environment while helping their children with the COVID-19 antigen rapid test (ART) every Monday.

A mother Umi Shafiqah prefers learning in school as it provides a better experience for her child, while paving the way for maximum interaction with other children.

She also expressed comfort in knowing that the health and safety of her child is being well taken care of, with the school making adherence to standard operating procedures the top priority.

Kindergarten 3 and Year 1-6 students continue to receive virtual lessons.

A parent administers the ART to a child. PHOTOS: DANIEL LIM
Umi Shafiqah speaks to the Bulletin

Anthony Abell College

Daniel Lim

Anthony Abell College in Seria welcomed their Years 7-9 students back to school, with adherence to strict standard operating procedures.

Teachers, dressed in protective gear, supervised the students as they submitted their permission forms, checked their body temperature, and perform the COVID-19 antigen rapid test (ART) prior to class.

Students, who are yet to complete their vaccination schedule and those under 12 will continue lessons remotely.

Teachers supervise students during the self-administered ART. PHOTO: AAC



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