Sunday, September 8, 2024
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School triumphs in China’s ‘Belt and Road’ event

Chung Hwa Middle School, Bandar Seri excelled at the recent seventh Belt and Road Teenager Maker Camp and Teacher Workshop in Nanning, Guangxi of China.

The team, led by Wong Ing Huong and Zhang Qingfu, also comprised five Year 10 students – Daphine Thian Hui Xin, Dobrila Wong Sze Qing, Eugene Chok Zhi Yang, Law Yi Xuan and Liew Se Kiat. They received a number of awards at the event – Best Team Award, Best Presentation Awards and Best Maker Award.

The Teenager Maker Camp served to deepen the exchanges and cooperation between China and the ‘Belt and Road’ countries in science and technology and humanities.

Over 200 teachers and students from 13 countries participated in the event including Brunei, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia, the Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia. – James Kon

Chung Hwa Middle School Bandar Seri Begawan representatives in a group photo. PHOTO: CHMS BSB

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