Sunday, September 8, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town


Religious event honours those who feed the nation

The Ministry of Primary Resources and Tourism held Sunnat Hajat prayers, recitation of Surah Yaasiin, Tahlil, Doa Kesyukuran and mass Asar prayer at Ash-Shaliheen Mosque yesterday to mark the Farmers, Livestock Breeders and Fishermen’s Day.

The Farmers, Livestock Breeders and Fishermen’s Day was declared by His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam during the Agriculture and AgriFood Expo at Agrotechnology Park in Kampong Tungku on November 19, 2009.

Since then, the Farmers, Livestock Breeders and Fishermen’s Day is celebrated every November 1 annually to recognise and remember services of farmers, livestock breeders and fishermen for their contributions to generate food supply in the Sultanate.

Minister of Primary Resources and Tourism Dato Seri Setia Dr Haji Abdul Manaf bin Haji Metussin was in attendance.

Permanent secretary, deputy permanent secretaries, heads of departments, officers and staff at the ministry and departments under it were also present as well as farmers, livestock breeders, fishermen and agrifood entrepreneurs nationwide. – Azlan Othman

ABOVE & BELOW: Minister of Primary Resources and Tourism Dato Seri Setia Dr Haji Abdul Manaf bin Haji Metussin; and attendees during the religious event. PHOTO: RAFI ROSLI


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