Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Ready, set, school

Navigating seamless transition from kindergarten

Transitioning from the cosy world of kindergarten school to the bustling adventures of primary level is something worth talking about, especially for parents who are finally getting a taste of that experience with their first-borns.

Just when you thought you had this parenting thing figured out, a new chapter begins, and you’re back on yet another wild ride of helping your little one navigate this exciting leap.


Gone are the days of fingerpaints and building block towers, now it’s a backpack full of textbooks and exercise books, lunchboxes, and the impending homework struggle. It’s like we blinked, and suddenly our toddlers are putting on their own shoes, ready to face the big, wide world of primary school.

Let’s not forget the more laidback atmosphere of the kindergarten classes when it comes to arriving to school slightly late and being absent from a class. Year 1 is when it becomes mandatory to make a quick visit to the administration office to fill in your child’s name for a late slip just so they can get into class when you’re 15 minutes late from the cut-off time.

Absent? Don’t forget to write up that letter to the class teacher as to why your child couldn’t come to school that day.


Just when you got used to decoding the cryptic artwork your child brought home from kindergarten, primary school throws a whole new set of challenges your way.

It’s only entering the end of the second week of the new school term, but don’t hold your breath because, well, you might find yourself scratching your head over long division and scratching your chin over science fair projects soon enough.

It’s okay – we’re all in this together.

Dust off those textbooks and rekindle your love affair with school supplies; it’s time to hit the books once again.


Kindergarten might have been all about naps and playtime, but primary school brings with it the sorcery of schedules. Between extracurricular activities, parent-teacher meetings, and the dreaded science project deadlines, you’ll need a time-turner like Hermione Granger.

There’s also the whole class timetabling that you need to pack your child’s bag for with different subjects daily – remember to not get confused with the day, and possibly try and teach your child about timetabling and how to pack their own bags.

Embrace the chaos and remember: you’re not alone. There’s probably another parent out there daydreaming about a bottomless cup of coffee, just like you.


Brace yourself for the daily struggle of coaxing your little scholar through those math problems and deciphering spelling lists. It’s a test of your patience and perseverance.

But take a deep breath – you’ll survive this academic obstacle course. Pro tip: snacks and stickers make excellent motivators. More importantly, education starts from home, and you definitely can’t rely solely on your child’s teacher to teach them everything.


Primary school introduces your child to a whole new cast of characters. Say hello to best friends, frenemies, and the occasional imaginary friend who still tags along for recess.

Navigating the world of friendships and social circles can be tricky, but it’s all part of the growing pains. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself hosting a sleepover or two to decode the mysteries of playground politics.


Amidst the chaos and occasional chaos (yes, we said it twice for emphasis), don’t forget to celebrate the victories.

From conquering the times tables to acing the school play, every milestone is a witness to your child’s growth.

Cherish the small victories – they’re the glue that holds this rollercoaster ride together.

Wrapping it all up, dear parents, welcome to the jungle gym of growing up. As we navigate the transition from kindergarten to primary school, remember, it’s okay to feel a little lost at times – like me. After all, parenting is a journey filled with surprises, and the primary school chapter is just another thrilling twist in the tale of raising little human beings.

It can be daunting experience for parents with first-borns to undergo the transition period from the kindergarten to the primary school level. PHOTO: ENNY ZAINI

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