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PUJA Brunei gets new president, vice presidents

Azlan Othman

The Institution of Surveyors, Engineers and Architects (PUJA) Brunei held a full-term annual general meeting (AGM) at the Ministry of Development (MoD) yesterday, which saw a new president and vice presidents being elected.

The votes gathered from the members saw the election of Haji Mohd Hanafi bin Pehin Orang Kaya Digadong Seri Diraja Dato Laila Utama Haji Abdul Rahman as the new PUJA president, Sr Hajah Hajijah binti Haji Salleh as chairperson and vice president for the Surveyor Division, Ir Chin Lee Tuck as chairman and vice president for Engineer Division and Ar Haji Abdullah bin Haji Ahmad as the chairman and vice president for the Architect Division.

Ir Julian Fung was appointed as the new secretary general and Pengiran Siti Mahdianawati binti Pengiran Haji Aliudin as treasurer.

Ir Bahrin Mohammad, Haji Yunos bin Haji Yusof, Haji Adwan bin Haji Tungkat and Md Syukri bin Haji Zulkipli were the newly-elected general members of the council.

The meeting was conducted in a hybrid format, physically at the ministry and virtually via Zoom.

Minister of Development Dato Seri Setia Ir Awang Haji Suhaimi bin Haji Gafar, Legislative Council (LegCo) member Yang Berhormat Siti Rozaimeriyanty binti Dato Seri Laila Jasa Haji Abdul Rahman, Deputy Minister of Development Dato Seri Paduka Ar Haji Marzuke bin Haji Mohsin, permanent secretaries, PUJA council members and members attended the event at Betabur Hall.

PUJA President Ir Haji Mohamad Zin bin Haji Salleh chaired the meeting, while Secretary General Ir Chin Lee Tuck moderated.

The meeting began with the discussion and approval of the minute of meeting of the last mid-term AGM, followed by report presentations from the three divisions within PUJA – Engineer Division, Architect Division and Surveyor Division – by their vice presidents and chairmen.

The meeting concluded with the dissolution of the 2020/2021 Council, concluding its two-year term and the election of new council members for 2022/2023 Council.

PUJA Brunei is involved in the discussions and activities held by international associations, among them Pacific Association for Quantity Surveyors, PAQS; ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organisations, AFEO and and Architects Regional Council of Asia, AR-CASIA.

Attendees at the annual general meeting. PHOTO: AZLAN OTHMAN

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