Sunday, September 8, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town


Programme highlights offences under Syariah law

Azlan Othman

Year 11 students from Ma’had Islam Brunei, Tutong District attended the Ta’dil As-Suluk programme organised by the Islamic Legal Unit in collaboration with the Religious Enforcement Division and the Islamic Studies Department, Ministry of Religious Affairs.

Students were briefed on the offences under the Syariah Criminal Penal Code Order 2013 and Dharar Syar‘ie Section, Chapter 217 under the Islamic Family Law Act.

The virtual programme aimed to safeguard the students’ welfare by providing insights on rights of personal protection for victims of abuse and sexual crimes of domestic violence, and address social ills.

Syariah Legal Officer from the Islamic Legal Unit Mohammad Haziq bin Mamud, and Officer from the Religious Enforcement Division Haji Samry bin Haji Md Yaakub facilitated the programme.

Religious education officer from the Arabic Schools Division, Islamic Studies Department Zamery bin Haji Nayan also delivered a religious talk.

Students during the programme. PHOTO: AZLAN OTHMAN

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