Sunday, September 8, 2024
25 C
Brunei Town


Physical schooling essential for children’s development

With physical classes returning for children attending schools with less than 50 students, I am hoping that other children will soon be able to join them.

Due to a prolonged period of online lessons, a lot of children have cultivated a lazy approach to learning, with many waking up late for their classes and feeling unmotivated to keep up with the instructions. Some even skip morning showers and opt to “show up” for classes in their pyjamas.

To them, what’s the point in dressing up for classes when only the face will appear on screen?

More concerning is the lack of interest in leaving home. Most have gotten so used to life in the digital world that even a short trip to the supermarket with parents seems like a chore instead of an opportunity to breathe in some fresh air and interact with others in the physical environment.

As a result, these children have grown accustomed to keeping themselves entertained with online activities, television and playing with their siblings indoors.

It is not a healthy way to grow and develop their minds. Children need to interact with their peers and teachers in person to gauge the social rules.

With classes being brought to their homes, it is giving them less and less reason to venture out. Sure, we do live in a increasingly digital world. But there must be a way to strike a balance between moving with the technology and ensuring a future generation of well-adjusted individuals.

It’s time to accept that COVID-19 is here to stay, as noted by health experts around the world. We ought to treat it like seasonal flu and do away with restrictive measures.

Let children to be children. During the formative years, it is vital for them to mingle with their environment, engage in physical activities on school grounds and be surrounded by teachers and peers.

Let’s not keep them isolated for longer than necessary.

Peanut Dad


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